facebook ad board

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set up a new FB account with "US" as your country of residence or you can just make the switch in yr current account.
set up a new FB account with "US" as your country of residence or you can just make the switch in yr current account.

This won't work. They look at your IP over what your selected country is. I have Indians logged into my accounts more than me, and whenever I look at the ad board they are targeted at people in India.
it's both. Create a new account with US as country AND use an US proxy.
This won't work. They look at your IP over what your selected country is. I have Indians logged into my accounts more than me, and whenever I look at the ad board they are targeted at people in India.

How do you prevent the Indians from copying what you're doing and becoming your competition?
damn Indians can afford to advertise? Imagine when they catch up. Considering the population there and considering that fact everyone out there is to become rich..there me massive competition.

my AM the other day was telling me some folks form india making 2k a day. That's like 80,000 Rs. a day. You can live like a king for the ENTIRE year just on that.
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