Eye problems?

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
Does anyone have eye problems (possibly from being in front of the computer too long?) I get styes often and also have red veins, lots of them, always forming in the corners of my eyes. I used to wear contacts, but was forced to stop because of how red they became. However, now, when I don't wear contacts, I still get a bunch of red veins. Anyone got suggestions or have faced similar experiences?

actually just had to get contacts after having perfect vision my whole life. My dr said your eyes arent really supposed to get worse after about 26 yrs old and im 29. Its weird because its just one eye. I noticed problems only after i started using the computer alot
I have pretty bad vision but I have no idea if it's related to computers. It's more likely a genetic thing.

The only eyesight problems that come about when I'm in front of a computer too long are when I'm wearing contacts and my eyes start to hurt.
Are you sure it's from staring at the computer and not from lack of sleep? I tend to get styes usually when I've spent too many nights in a row staying up late (staring at the screen).
I get styes as well; cleansing the eye area and HOT compresses are the only things that really work. The veins I don't think you can do anything about but if your eyes bother you get drops for extended computer usage (clear eyes or visine or something). I am not, however, a doctor and I'd recommend you see one if this persists.
Drink lots of water, take 15 min breaks every few hours, and take your vitamins. No problems here. Seriously, stay hydrated while doing this stuff. It makes a huge difference.
i get dry eyes from time to time but use drops that i bought from shoppers to take care of that.. you can buy drops that clear red eye too
I actually get about 5hrs of sleep a night, which I'm not sure if it would affect the eyes much or not. I also heard that sometimes when people stare at the screen, they forget to blink as often, which is another reason eyes get problems.

Drinking lots of water sounds like a good idea too. It seems like when I start working on the computer, all my bodily needs are completely forgotten. If i didn't need to, i probably wouldn't eat or drink for a day or two

Oh yeah, and I take vitamins everyday. Centrum, fish oil(which other than being good for your heart is also supposed to be good for your eyes), vitamin C, vitamin B complex, and Ginko Biloba
Umm... yeah, what ^they^ said.

BTW, if you're still using a CRT screen, you should consider getting yourself an LCD one - it's much better for the eyes.
Taking breaks, blinking properly all help. Nowadays we do not use our eyes properly. We stare at the TV, the computer and also when driving we look straight ahead. There is not as much use of the peripheral vision, as the eyes need.

My wife has had eye problems all her life and I researched stuff and found that you can improve your vision just through exercising the eye. The eye needs to be exercised just like the rest of the body. There are sites out there that offer ebooks/manuals on how to improve your vision. There are also vision clinics where you go and they teach you how to improve your site. See Vision_Teachers
Optomotrists will not tell you about this because they only know to sell you glasses or contacts.

Checkout The Bates Method - Bates Association for Vision Education they have books & guides for teachers on how to improve vision without glasses
Umm... yeah, what ^they^ said.

BTW, if you're still using a CRT screen, you should consider getting yourself an LCD one - it's much better for the eyes.

What ^he^ said. I bought an LCD a while back, and use my older (but good quality CRT) as a second monitor, and the difference is amazing. I can barely stand to look at the CRT now. By the way, if you're using only one monitor, do yourself a favour and get two (as long as your vid card supports it). It's *soooo* useful to be able to drag some windows to the other screen for reference so you don't have to flip back and forth.
Well, I have had some eye problems in the past. I had an eye motor control problem. I did eye excerises and it got better. I used to get bored in school and do them in the middle of class. I never told anyone what I was doing. My spanish teacher asked me what i was doing once. I looked her stright in the eye and did the whole "what are you talking about?" thing. I got her to believe she was seeing things. A few months went by. I started doing it regularly in her class and calling her crazy/denying it everytime she caught me. She asked me to stay after class and I said "seriously, i wish i could help you out... I just don't know what you're talking about... You should let me know right when i'm doing it so then maybe i can figure out what you're talking about" (which she was already doing) I walked out of the classroom and went to next class and laughed. About 2 weeks passed then another teacher asked me to stay after class(i never did it in front of this teacher) and informed me that I was talked about every single day in the teachers lounge about my "radio" type characteristics. I should have said denied everything. I let in on what I was doing. I was never questioned in spanish class again about doing my eye exercises.

To this day. I'm afraid of catching footballs/baseballs. Catching a ball is easy for most people. Its even easier for me. I hold out my hand where I think its going to be... and then it catches me right in the face every single time.
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