Extract urls


One incredibly angry baby
Jul 11, 2009
I need to extract the urls of all the latest posts from the past month in a certain set of sites. What's the best way to do this? I have them loaded in my google reader as well if that helps in any way.

Any help much appreciated.

Post an example of the feed you're trying to extract from, and I'm sure one of us kind folk will whip up some PHP code for you.
Example feed - TechCrunch

I've got 300 sites, each with it's own feed. What's the best way to extract the urls of all the posts from the past month?

Thanks Kiopa :)

P.S. The sites are all loaded into my google reader feed if that helps in anyway.
Probably not the quickest way, but should work:

Go to Free Online XPath Tester / Evaluator - FreeFormatter.com

Under "XML Input" put in the feed URL where it says "Option 2: Or type in the URL to your XML file"

In "XPath Expression" box type:

Select No for "Include the XML item type in output"

Click "Test Xpath"
That worked. The only problem was that it stopped at the last url in the feed - TechCrunch

Is there any way I can get the urls of more posts from the same feed?
Alternatively, if there's a tool where I can enter in a blog and get a list of the urls of all the posts published on that blog