Extra code in Macromedia Dreamweaver8


New member
Nov 19, 2011
Macromedia Dreamweaver generates extra code while developing making website dynamically in php...how to clean/avoid that extra code?

I have install and configure Apache web server .. would IIS web server configuration make sense to clean up that extra code??

Remove this extra code by hand or get rid of damn Macromedia.

I'm using notepad++ and write my php stuff by hand. But I can also recommend eclipse as a PHP IDE :)
In the Preferences, I suggest you look at automatically altering/editing/cleaning documents when they're opened, as well as adding comments and other code.

Unless you're using the Design or Split view, Dreamweaver won't add any code that you don't tell it too in the Preferences when using the Code View.
Installation time has doubled, not including Adobe's mandatory registration process. Once installed, Dreamweaver looks more like Adobe's other products, but it will be familiar to users of previous versions. There are some new, dockable palettes for new features, but the Welcome screen, toolbars, and main window are largely unchanged.