Expired domains list

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New member
Jul 29, 2006
Anyone know of an API or method to access a list of expiring domains?

For example, go to this page http://www.odditysoftware.com/ and look at the " Interesting Domains Deleting Today". How do you think they got that list? Also how did they determine the page rank for the sites?


Also try pcnames.com

BTW - did anyone else receive a PM from a guy selling an expired domain service? I would recommend digging deep into the pcnames.com service before buying his product. Their service is free!
i don't get it...

every time i try to buy an expired domain, it says it's already taken
Don't bother (maybe)

Expiring domain name lists have not been useful for a couple years. These days pool, snapnames and enom have that market completely in their pocket.

This is assuming that you are shopping for domains with good type in traffic of course, if the domain(s) you are interested in is very obscure or rather ugly then you will be ok. These three companies have such massive computing power and bandwidth it's guaranteed that any worthwhile name will go to one of them and either be kept or go into their respective auction systems.
every time i try to buy an expired domain, it says it's already taken

Just because its expired, doesn't mean youll be able to get it right away, it can takes about 75 days until the domain drops and is available to register. At the point, if someone from enom or snapnames wants it they are likely to get it because of the resources and registrars those companies have access to. This article is a good place to start if you're interested in getting expired domain names: Mike Davidson: How to Snatch an Expiring Domain.
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