Experienced with Bing/AdCenter? How to get traffic!


New member
Mar 18, 2008
Hey guys,

I've been trying to get a PPC campaign rolling over on adCenter.

Just a bit of background:

I've grouped my keywords pretty tightly.
All of them are broad keywords.
My Q/S check runs between 3 - 7 out of 10, depending on the keyword.
Most of my keywords don't have enough data to display a Q/S though.
This is a fairly new domain - 2 weeks old.

My main question is - how the hell do I get any traffic? My CTRs are all .5 or above, but it's really too soon to judge that correctly due to the low impression count.

Would love to get some feedback!


I've never even done PPC but it seems pretty straightforward to me:

1. Bid high enough that your ads show up at all
2. Make your ad copy compelling enough that people want to click it
3. Get traffic
Well that's what I'd figure too.

I'm bidding anywhere from $4-$5 for my keywords.

Budget is set at $50/day on each campaign.

My adcopy isn't the problem. As I've said I've been getting high CTRs with the low impression rate. The problem is just getting more impressions in the first place!

Sorry to tell you this but your not going to get any traffic out of bing like that. Ive tried it a hundred times.

I have been working on getting traffic out of bing and I finally am able to get it...heres my thoughts.

Adcenter is fickle, getting traffic from them depends on several factors...

1. Time of day of upload
2. Budget
3. Domain name
4. Account Age
5. Account History

Whatever you do, do not reupload your campaign..they will ban you. Of course I cloak so I can use any domain i want...makes a big difference.

Those are not in order of importance. The domain you use is the most important.