Experienced Professional Blogger & Community Manager Available

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May 7, 2009
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Hey WickedFire!

I come to you today to declare the availability of my services. As stated in the title, I'm an experienced professional blogger, available to create content on a regular basis. My specialties, however, are far more diverse than simply creating content. If you're looking for a full time blogger that will not only write, format, and post content, but also build and manage the community surrounding the site, look no further! This service is NOT for webmasters looking to fill their site with mediocre quality content without a community in mind. This service IS for webmasters looking to create, maintain, and scale a thriving community with a dedicated and loyal fan base. As oppose to simply stating that I can do everything under the sun (which I can :laughing-smiley-007: ), I have created a detailed description of what I can do for you (and your site) below.


  • Top-notch, high quality content created by a native English speaker living in the United States. All writing will be built from the ground up to meet your every expectation, right down to the tiniest of details. Need a specific format? A certain writing style? A particular personality or voice? No problem, I've got you covered. Unsure of the details? Just want me to do my thing? Again, no problem! Perhaps most importantly, results will be delivered without missing a single deadline or losing an ounce of quality along the way.

  • Content created and posted as frequently as you desire, not only meeting your length specifications, but doing so in the most effective manner possible. All requirements will be met while ensuring a natural flow for optimum results. Any additional requirement(s) can and will be met without issue.

  • Completely SEO friendly content (if you so desire) created by an individual highly knowledgeable in the field of search engine optimization. I will take targeted keywords and produce content that is 100 percent optimized for search engines without sacrificing quality or readability in the least. Additionally, you will have a writer that is well versed on the topic of internet marketing at your disposal. The increased conversions will speak for themselves.

  • Fun, helpful, and meaningful interactions that will establish myself as an informative, trusted, and well-liked figurehead of the community.

  • Content that is not only of high quality, but also encourages community participation. As a result, you will find your site not only maintaining regular readers/members, but also obtaining new ones!

  • Active creation, utilization, participation, and management of the site or blog's social networking profiles. This includes, but is not limited to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and YouTube.

Due to the wide variety of options available, and the difference in needs from project-to-project, I am unable to provide exact pricing options without a little information from you. Upon contacting me with the project/site details (see below) you will be given a quote. Keep in mind, the quote is completely negotiable (within reason).

Interested parties, please feel free to contact me via private message, e-mail, and/or instant message with the following information:

  • Niche/Topic/Theme:
    (Weight loss? Real estate? Search engine optimization? Sports? Pets? Gaming? Rest assured, I do it all!)
  • Traffic/Members/Readers:
    (What is your monthly traffic? If your site is membership based, how many members do you have? Already have a blog? How many readers are you currently accommodating? Inform me here!)
  • Desired Services & Options:
    (Are you only in need of content? Are you looking for content as well as interaction via comments? Are you seeking content, on-site interaction, and off-site interaction through social networking sites? Would you like to request something that I haven't outlined in this post? Let me know!)
  • Content Frequency & Length:
    (How often do you need blog posts/articles created? How many words would you like each to be? Three daily posts between 1,000 and 2,000 words? A single weekly post consisting of 200 words? Not to worry, no project is too big or too small.)
  • Questions/Comments/Concerns (optional):
    (Additional questions, comments, or concerns? List them here and I'll be happy to address them.)
  • Budget (optional):
    (On a budget? Just want a quote without disclosing a set budget? Either way, it's your call!)
  • Site URL (optional):
    (If you're not comfortable disclosing the URL upon initial contact, don't worry, this is completely optional.)

If you have any questions whatsoever, give me a holler, I'd be more than happy to answer. Feel free to request samples of my writing and I'll have them to you STAT! Thanks for reading, and I look forward to working with you in the not-so-distant future!

E-Mail: timothydaz (@) gmail.com
AIM: rdjandalir
Skype: timothydaz

Still open for business, also seeking joint venture opportunities with other experienced professionals. Get at me!
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