Exit Pop Not Loading External Content in IE


New member
Jun 4, 2009
I have a "Click the Cancel Button" type exit pop. When the exit pop loads, the page redirects to an external site, which works fine in FF. In IE I just get a blank page until the Cancel button is clicked. Then it loads.

If I use an internal link to a page on the same domain, it loads fine. The external stuff is the problem.

Is there a fix for this? I tried using an iframe, but that didn't work either.


try making the call to load the external site before your alert box

+rep Thanks Barman!

The only prob now is that ideally I'd like the exit page to rotate a couple offers. It works now if I just enter the URL without a rotator. As soon as I make it redirect to a rotate.php it waits for the cancel button to be clicked before loading (message in the status bar, "Waiting for http...")

Probably not much can be done about that, huh?