EXCLUSIVE: Pedophiles Find a Home on Wikipedia


New member
Oct 14, 2007
Wikipedia has become home base for a loose worldwide network of pedophiles who are campaigning to spin the popular online encyclopedia in their favor and are trying to lure more people into their world, an investigation by FoxNews.com confirms.

OMFG? Sounds like serious investigative reporting on this part here! Awesome job FoxNews. Even though the whole article looks like a "farticle" trying to sell bullshit to clueless ppl :D

MEH forgot the link sry:

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Yes, because pictures of pornography fall within free speech and therefore children should be allowed to look at them.
Yes, because pictures of pornography fall within free speech and therefore children should be allowed to look at them.

i think you totally missed the bullshit content inside the article and just read the title. Thas prolly fine for most of the fox "news" stuff but not always.

And pls no discussion like that cuz its obvious that no one wants it ....

They freaking BLAME WIKEPDIA FOR HAVING INFORMATION ... not like they would host images or would allow posting links to sites or w/e....