Exciting Changes From AdvantageCPA! (FAIL)


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Advantage CPA decides to email me out of the blue.

I have sent them zero traffic and don't even remember making an account with them to be honest.

They email about exciting changes but not only include everybody's fucking email address along with their passwords!!! What you see below is what everybody got with each other's email and pw. FAIL


We wanted to let you know that we have recently launched our new and MAJORLY improved affiliate control panel. With advanced tracking, reporting and easier to navigate offer selection, we have created an unmatched platform in the market. We have included your login information below for you to experience the difference. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Our team has been working really hard to bring you the hottest converting offers with great payouts. There are over 100 new offers and more on their way. If you do not see an offer you need let your account manager know, we have the resources to bring you any offer for any niche.
As always if you need to find a traffic source for a specific offer, find an offer for your traffic, or just need help of any kind - let us know! We have many years of experience in affiliate marketing and are here to help you make become profitable!
Please login at http://affiliates.advantagecpa.com to access your personalized Advantage CPA account.
Your Account Information:


If you have any problems or questions, do not hesitate to contact us at affiliates@advantagecpa.com
We look forward to working with you and helping you to become more successful in 2010!
Brandon Hall
678.829.1777 Ext. 600

in plain text

of course I log in and my password didn't even work who knows who logged in and did what
Well hopefully it isn't a phishing site. I know that if my password is incorrect, then I proceed to input 4-7 different passwords I use.. they would have grabbed em all.
Let me start by personally apologizing to you and the publishers that were affected by the emails. These emails were not sent to everyone in our system, mostly users that have never logged in or users that have not logged in for a very extended period of time. While most of the passwords were auto generated passwords, we understand this still poses a major security risk. We have taken further action to prevent this from happening in the future such resetting ALL publishers passwords and implementing salted MD5 password hashes.

If you have any questions or if there is ANYTHING else I can do for you please let me know.

Brandon Hall
AIM: BrandonAdvCPA
678.829.1777 ext 600

I have included the follow up email that was sent out immediately following the mistake:

We had an error in sending a newsletter last night. Causing some affiliates to receive emails intended for other affiliates. The contents of this email was for people who had not yet logged into our system and five other accounts. The emails did contain passwords, and since most of the accounts had not yet been accessed, the passwords were mostly still ones auto generated by the system. If you were affected and the password you used for your account is used for other things, please make necessary changes. We are very sorry for this problem

We immediately saw the problem and downed affiliate logins to prevent any improper access. We have reset all affiliate passwords, not limited to accounts affected by this problem. There has been no unauthorized access to any of your data.

We take extra measures to ensure the care of affiliate's sensitive data. This problem was 100% human error. Because of this issue we will be placing additional safety checks on all emails we send and the security of passwords. After we mail you a follow up email containing your new password. All passwords will be md5 hashed and salted, and no further emails will contain your passwords.

Any information shared/sold or posted will result in affiliate termination and possible legal action as well.

We are truly sorry. I offer our most sincere of apologies and understand we may have caused some of you headaches.
If there is any questions, concerns or you just want to tell me how badly I screwed up please do not hesitate to contact me directly!

Brandon Hall
AIM: BrandonAdvCPA
678.829.1777 ext 600
Advantage CPA

Let me start by personally apologizing to you and the publishers that were affected by the emails. These emails were not sent to everyone in our system, mostly users that have never logged in or users that have not logged in for a very extended period of time. While most of the passwords were auto generated passwords, we understand this still poses a major security risk. We have taken further action to prevent this from happening in the future such resetting ALL publishers passwords and implementing salted MD5 password hashes.

If you have any questions or if there is ANYTHING else I can do for you please let me know.

Brandon Hall
AIM: BrandonAdvCPA
678.829.1777 ext 600

I have included the follow up email that was sent out immediately following the mistake:

i take credit for first response... lol.
signed up a long ass time ago + never used it... as with all networks/sites i use diff passwords... though the one mailed to me in this mass mailing was the one i had written down as the one used when i first registered... mentioned it on irc... thought it was pretty funny but will say though that after immediately pointing out the fo-pah to brad i got a personal response within the first 5 minutes... so props on at least being awake and on his computer at 3am or so (whenever they all got sent out)...

don't ask why i was still awake......you should be asking why the ceo of their company was.. :p
normally they'd get ripped apart here, but its nice to finally see someone man up for their mistakes and admit them in this industry
No violent outburst...
No calling girl obscene names...
No selling the list for itouches and amazon gift certs...

Wolfe does not approve