Excell help in recalculations


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Hey guys, I have a small doubt in Excel, assume I have this formula in the A column =RANDBETWEEN(12,14) and I generate around 10 rows in the A column with this.

now suppose in the B column i use the formula =RANDBETWEEN(15,34) and generate around 10 rows in the B row... why is it that the A row values also get automatically changed? I want to preserve the A generated values and only apply this new formula to the B column

Each row is randomly updated upon each refresh when you're dealing with a formula of that nature. If you want static values, then you need to copy the contents and paste those back into the rows of Column A, not the formula.

If you want another, more accurate answer, then you need to provide more information as well as the data. I suggest MrExcel's website for those answers. I've used it a couple times when I needed very qualified help in solving some complex Excel problems.