eVo/e-play - Myspace meets Miniclip with MLM??

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New member
Apr 9, 2007
Anyone heard of eVo/e-play? From what I can gather this thing is social networking combined with cash online games, it launches mid July...


It's from Virtual World Direct who have been running e-Lottery - a UK/Europe lottery syndicate system - for years. e-Lottery *seems* to be a decent program (with an MLM element - does decent MLM exist?) You also have to play to promote it, but some people certainly do well with it.

They've been around a while (unlike most shitty MLM programs that don't last), so I'm thinking they wouldn't be pushing complete crap... but I guess eVo/e-play will also have a multilevel affiliate program.

What do ya think of programs like this? I'm thinking if it provides something normal users buy into, not just other affiliates then cool... otherwise only the guys at the top get rich.

The eVo site looks like lots of hype, no substance.... and maybe I'm gettin into the habit of associating any pre-launch hype I see with ebook-type shit! They've got a pdf on the site which says a bit more (annoying as sales brochure-type images).

(I've used a blatant affiliate link above - not because I'm promoting them, just figured it doesn't do any harm and I'm kinda curious! If you'd prefer not to use it, here's the non-aff one: eVo. -- Just noticed though that if you don't use an aff link, you have to request a 'guest login'... interesting...)

I believe it is a MLM type of deal. You pay to play a bunch of mini games but if you sign up people under you, you play for free and get a piece of their sign up for commission. Cash prizes are given to winning these games of "skill" thus bypassing US gambling restrictions.


Yeah that's the thing I read - Sorry, I should've thought and attached it to the original post. Cheers for that.

It doesn't really say much though - I'm guessing it's like their e-lottery, but the cash comes from games/subscriptions - and they are trying to capitalise on the current social networking craze.

From what I can see, if it provides a good service to customers (as the lottery thing seems to) then the MLM stuff doesn't matter. Sure some people will promote it to 'sell to the sellers' (a bit like Copeac etc links?), others will sell to the end users. The total percentage paid to affiliates - be it on 1 level or 4 - should be the same, as the company obviously want to make a profit

It just seems like the people that sell to the people that want to sell to other sellers could be the big winners.... like ebooks.. selling a dream.

Has anyone here had any experience with Virtual World Direct?
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