Ever send a long term list shady offers?


New member
Apr 29, 2010
I've been building a list in a long term customer niche..

You know like health, biz opp, etc.

I already have the next 4 months set up and ready to go in my auto responder, but all my offers are cps and I'm a little worried that my list will
become blind after seeing the same check out page over and over.

Yes you guessed it I'm talking click bank offers.

So I'm thinking about the future, and I'm really anxious to shoot my list some free trial offers, but I'm afraid anyone that converts will be rebilled and never trust my emails again.

I think I already have my answer, but I'm just curious if any of you guys with more long term lists ever throw in free trials and are still able to keep a solid open and ctr with your subscribers.

there are alot of quality affiliate programs out there - you just gotta search to find them :)