Ever had a Staph infection? OUCH


New member
May 13, 2008
I've had this tiny bump on my ribs for years. Since the weekend, it's been getting painful and has grown (like 4x the size). Extremely painful, tender, swollen and red. Oh my gosh it hurts so bad. Nurse practioner at urgent care said it's a cyst with a Staph infection. I got a prescriptions for ten days (TEN DAYS?! I hope it goes away before that) and if not better, have to have a surgeon remove it.

Have you ever had a Staph infection? They're pretty dangerous, aren't they? Did yours go away with just a prescription?

A friend of mine almost lost his leg. They're dangerous if you don't treat them. But once you start the right antibiotics they go away pretty quick like any infection.
my pops is in the hospital right now because of a staph infection. it started in his knee, went to his ankle and then his blood stream. just got a call an hour or two ago that has spread to his aorta in his heart, but apparently the doctors think they have it under control.


Kevin Randleman
Just hop on Youtube and search "staph infection"... all kind of great movies of kids and doctors lancing huge boils and whatnot. There's a good one on there of friends stabbing their friend's back with a steak knife and they showered in puss. Hmmm hmmmm good.
humm gravy yummy
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGWFoYHHkP4&feature=related"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
growing up surfing in hawaii, i always had cuts on my body. a few of them have become staph infections. shit gets real nasty if you dont take care of it as some other people have posted before me. i just got a prescription and they have all gone away. just be careful with them.
My dad was telling me when he was younger he had a real bad one on his lower back. He refused to go to the doctor for a long time because he couldn't afford it, then after a few months of being in pain he had to go.

The doctor got him in there and sliced it open, he said he felt the fluid/puss moving from the front of his stomach all the way out the back. It was so bad that he made the doctor vomit. He told me they went through 2 rolls of paper towels it was just that much.

Fucking nuts.
BTW, velightful, you can't mess around with a staph infection, it can kill you. If you are getting antibiotics, you want vancomycin. Penicillin is the weakest one they have, Methicillin is next weakest.

In addition to that, you can do some natural stuff. When I got staph from training jiujitsu, I used tea tree oil, p73 oregano oil, and garlic. All three of those have been shown to be effective against staph in the lab. Now I use a tea tree oil soap after I train. Just hope you don't have MRSA.

If you get cuts from surfing, put colloidal silver on it... learned it from a hawaiian midwife, worked great on reef cuts.
@ Drover I hope they got it under control and he recovers soon.

It was awhile back. He's fine. It started with a scrape he got sliding into second playing softball. He just never cleaned it up good and it got infected. It all happened within a matter of a couple of days.

Go read Ernest Hemmingway's "The Snows of Kilimanjaro"...basically about a guy who dies in Africa from a scratch he didn't bother to take care of.
BTW, velightful, you can't mess around with a staph infection, it can kill you. If you are getting antibiotics, you want vancomycin. Penicillin is the weakest one they have, Methicillin is next weakest.

In addition to that, you can do some natural stuff. When I got staph from training jiujitsu, I used tea tree oil, p73 oregano oil, and garlic. All three of those have been shown to be effective against staph in the lab. Now I use a tea tree oil soap after I train. Just hope you don't have MRSA.

If you get cuts from surfing, put colloidal silver on it... learned it from a hawaiian midwife, worked great on reef cuts.

No, you really don't want vancomycin unless it's that or death. They only give that in hospitals, under close medical supervision, because it's toxic to your kidneys and has to be delivered intravenously.

Start with whatever the doctors recommend. The reason they start out with the weakest shit is because if they dole out the strong stuff to everyone, we'll end up with resistant bacteria quicker, and then we're pretty much fucked back to the 19th Century, infection-wise.

I've had a staph infection before - I used to super strong antiseptic soap (can't remember what) on it, and it cleared up in a week.

EDIT - remembered what it was. I used Lysol on it. That shit kills anything. Don't keep it on your skin for too long though.

Rather alarmingly they used to recommend it as a vaginal douche for birth control. :eek7:
Just hope you don't have MRSA.

That's what they think it is. :music07: It grew from 3 milimeters or whatever unit they were measuring in, from Thursday to Friday and was 10x more painful. They cut into it on Friday and I had to take a sample of the "puss" to the hospital for a culture in-case anything goes wrong or it don't get better - so they know 100% sure what we're dealing with. Doctor at urgent care said she's almost positive it's MRSA though...

I have to go back today to have it looked at again. They "might" be able to take the packing out (they put 'packing' in the hole they cut in me to keep it from closing up. The hole is almost two inches deep!)
EDIT - remembered what it was. I used Lysol on it. That shit kills anything. Don't keep it on your skin for too long though.

Rather alarmingly they used to recommend it as a vaginal douche for birth control. :eek7:


I'm taking Cephalexin and Bactrim DS - at least that's the names on bottles that I think are the prescription names lol. They also gave me vicadin (however that's spelled). I'm breastfeeding, though... so haven't taken any of those. Have to wait THREE days to nurse if I take one of them. Oh, and got some Mupirocin 2% ointment
I have (but haven't had any outbreaks in the last 2 years) MRSA.. it is extremely fucking painful.. especially when you have 2-3 at once
I had a staph, still got the scar on my knee..

sgtryan: outbreaks? you mean that thing is coming back?!

MRSA is basically a type of staph infection that has become resistant to all antibiotics. you can take antibiotics to "ease down" the intensity of the infections and prevent the infection from getting out of control (which can be lethal)

the outbreaks are just periods of time where you get the infected boils. sometimes you can go years and years without them but it can return at any time. the outbreaks happen mainly when you are in close living quarters/hospitals/etc. I got it when I was living in the dorms in college.