Etology and Vizu, anyone used them ?

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New member
May 3, 2007
The question is like above. I'm trying to find some site to replace Adbrite. Ads from adbrite load slow like hell and their adzone sucks: when you want to change the size of your ad, you must create a complete new one.

Link: Etology & Vizu (no aff)

"Etology" = that word used for an Advertising site!!! Oh my!
Etology = a science studying the behavior of animals and comparing to the behavior of humans, and some "as...e" puts an "Advertising" site on for this word!
No wonder N. Americans have No idea what an 'etology' is when I mention I studied it in Europe.
And the guy got a Nobel prize for it some 30+ yrs ago!
ive tried etology

and their traffic was not good, 1000 clicks, 2conversions on something that would convert at 1:25 at a top tier search engine
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