erifdekciw's PPV journal


New member
May 3, 2008
I'm creating this thread because I'm jumping back into PPV and I want to keep a public blog about it to see if these public journals will motivate me to keep at it and hopefully help someone out along the way.

I'm not a total newbie when it comes to affiliate marketing, but PPV has always been a struggle for me. I've had success with it in the past with debt relief offers, but everything else has been pretty lousy.

In this journal I'm going to be focusing on dating. It seems to be one of the best niches to get into and I do have some past data from when I tried to crack it the last time.

By the way, If anyone has any recommendations on a good dating offer to use for PPV let me know. I'm only using two networks at the moment, peerfly and Above All Offers and both their dating offer selection is kind of disappointing.

Well here we go...

DAY 1: Get my current landing page to break even CONSISTENTLY on a major URL.

So the last time I tried to crack the dating nut with PPV I came pretty close. I was bidding on a major URL (A url with the potential to spend $300-500 a day) and I was beginning to break even and in some cases make a small profit.

Now I was pretty excited about this, because nobody else was bidding on this URL. I spent probably 3 months testing on this single URL, testing dozens of landing pages and my best landing page consisted of:


One thing I noticed right away in my testing is that the images of the women didn't seem to play too big of a role in the conversion rate. It was one of the things I tested the most and the results weren't drastic enough to turn the campaign profitable so I moved on to testing other things.

The biggest impact on conversions seemed to come from the headline. That should be obvious to a lot of people who know a thing or two about copywriting, but the results from all my headline tests surprised me.

Most of the headlines that focused heavily on Benefits and nothing else did the worst. It was only after pointing out a big problem men (I was targeting men with my landing page) were having with URL I was targeting, was I able to get a strong reaction from my landing page.

(quick tip for you new guys that helped me a lot: Research is very important! Spend a lot of time researching your biggest competitors and find out what their weaknesses are from the users themselves. Then use that against them when you want their users to convert over to your product).

Conversion rates shot up. I was starting to break even and sometimes even profit a little bit. Sadly after continued testing of different things, I just couldn't get it to stay consistent. After making that huge leap forward only to hit a wall, I put PPV to the side for awhile.

So now I'm back and I'm going to give dating another go. One thing I want to test ASAP is better offers. I was using some pretty sub-par offers last time (ihookup, locals lobby, etc, the generic shit out there). I'm hoping someone can recommend something better for me to work with.

I'm going to run a quick $50 test right now to see where I stand after coming back. Hopefully my landing page is still good enough to break even. I'll update the thread once the test is complete and go from there.

One url technique is good but I was told by a rep for a big PPV source that their biggest advertisers use thousands and thousands of URLs, so you might want to try that approach too. I also had more luck with the big volume approach and getting a ton of traffic fast is my preference anyway
One url technique is good but I was told by a rep for a big PPV source that their biggest advertisers use thousands and thousands of URLs, so you might want to try that approach too. I also had more luck with the big volume approach and getting a ton of traffic fast is my preference anyway

Yea I eventually am going to go the shotgun route, but the only reason im sticking with this single URL is because of the potential it has. Huge volume and it was breaking even / profiting.


As for the last couple of days... Well I had to buy a new domain and setup a new campaign because the old approved domain expired.

Finally ran a test today and spent about $25 running an offer I did not want to run. Only got 1 conversion... terrible results ROI wise.

60 clicks to offer page
1 conversion

CTR isn't great, but I know the reason why the results suck. The offer is garbage. I still can't find a good dating offer. Are regular dating offers dead? Has everyone moved on to adult dating or something?

I'm going to test out some adult dating with this landing page and see what the results are since I don't see any decent regular dating offers.

I also setup campaigns for a biz op offer and gaming offer. I'll post updates for those and give a more detailed overview once I get the keywords approved and get some results tomorrow.