epic freak out

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wow did he try to shove a tv remote up his ass

anyone here with kids, hope you're looking forward to the teenage years :)
you know, those awkward times when they stage videos and post them on the youtubes?
best years of my life personally.
And this is exactly why I am so glad that there are no video's of me on the internet...

What this kid thought was funny idea posting a fake freak out video is going to result in years upon years of ridicule and shame from friends and family when they see this shit lol.
hey dude, remember the time you got buttfucked by a remote control?
well remember that time you got buttfucked by james?
yeah you probably just thought it was another remote.
Nobody thinks this is fake? The kid just happens to walk in, set up a camera, and then his brother walks in like two seconds later? I mean, don't get me wrong, I've seen some freak outs in my day, but something seems set up with this one.
It could easily be fake, but what do they have to gain by it? I've played WoW and some people freak out like this on a daily basis on ventrilo/teamspeak... good acting if fake, hilarious if not.
Nobody thinks this is fake? The kid just happens to walk in, set up a camera, and then his brother walks in like two seconds later? I mean, don't get me wrong, I've seen some freak outs in my day, but something seems set up with this one.
uh.. duh? i think its obvious
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