Enought already! I'll take you through my pre-launch,launch and post launch.

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New member
Feb 13, 2007
Ok. So this might not necessary work. And I might not make any money at all in the process...but what the heck...

Here's what I'll be doing. I'll be launching an ebook come April 27th
on monetizing articles. In this thread here, I'll be sharing what I'll be doing during the pre-launch, launch and post-launch phase.

I'll be as transparent as possible and I do welcome flaming, suggestions, comments and all that shit...

I'm still in pre-launch phase now and the objective for the pre-launch phase is to build as big a pre-launch list as possible. And here's what i've done thus far.

1. Set up a opt-in page to give away a free report and to build my prelaunch ist.

2. Drive traffic to it.

Don't get bored yet. Here's the part where I believe you could gain a little from all this rambling...

I drove traffic by:

A. Web 2.0 Sites. I'm using sites like stumbleupon, squidoo and digg to drive traffic to my opt-in page.

- For stumbleupon. Basically I just stumbleupon my own page and pray hard that someone else stumbles on it and gives it a thumbs up...NOT. I go to this forum called namepros and under a section called 'incentives'. I actually PAY people to stumble upon my site.

- Digging. Simple really, I've a few accounts in there. Post something buzz worthy on my blog(containingly a link to my opt-in page) and again, get people on namepros to digg on it. You can get LOTSA TRAFFIC QUICKLY here.. NOTE: Those dumbos at namepros actually baned incentivized digging not too long ago. Feckers. I didn't actually have chance to use it.

- Del.li.ous. (or however its spelt)
Again, as per the above, I get them del-ed from namepros. Its good for backlinks and for a quick surge of traffic.

- Squidoo. I really love this. You can get ranked pretty high pretty quickly using squidoo. One of the keywords in my niche for article marketing is called "bum marketing" and I've been ranking high for the 'long tail keywords' of it. You can see how my looks like here: Bum Marketing - Bum Marketing Guide - Even Newbies Can Make Money!

Some of the keywords I'm ranked #1 for includes: free bum marketing, bum marketing guide, bum marketing report and so on..

Plus I'm on the first page of the big G for the keyword "bum marketing" itself.

I'm going for the long tail of "article marketing" next.

B. Paid Advertising

- Google Adwords. Only 2 adgroups here and its for very specific terms like "article marketing"

- Stumble Upon paid advertising. For only 0.05 cents per freaking vistor, I'm giving it a try. Not to the direct page though, but to my blog where they can click on.

- Payperpost. I actually got 3 free $100 promo accounts. I used 1, sold another for $25 bucks and still got another left. Basically, I just asked in a forum from the owner for the promo codes and I got them.

The service works like this : You place an 'opportunity' for bloggers where you can specify certain parameters like their Google PR, their Alexa ranking etc etc. The mininum bid for ONE BLOG POST about your site is $5.

You can build a good deal of buzz and backlinks with that.

C. Other free methods.

-Forum marketing You can see me pimping my optin page in various internet marketing forums like this one here. This has proven to be very very effective and one of the sources that converts the most.

- Giveaway events. Participated in a few and will be participating in a few others. Its a event where you contribute a free product and send traffic to it. Other participants also do the same and you share each others list and the people end up with a bunch of junky ebooks they never read anyway and get spammed like hell.

But it works :)

- Viral Tell A friend.

- List incest.
Sending a mail to my exisiting list about the free ebook they can get.

Some of the above methods are aready being executed, others not yet.

Oh, I'm gunning for a pre-launch list of 6,000 by the way. Haha.

Total Subscribers to date: 300

hi dylon. you seem like a nice guy but you have realized, that they kind of hunt down all those ebooks in this forum? ;)

so, if i were you, i would not pick wickedfire.com to propose how something is done that a lot of members don't like at all: im ebooks.

i don't care and say, make money whatever way you want. i just gave this as a consideration to you, as your ebook comes across like something that could potentially be on the target list ;)
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