End of my first month.

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Good I would say, any kind of positive feedback with your campaigns when you are starting off is good in my oppinion.
Definitely good. Many, if not most, budding affiliate marketers lose money for a while. So any profit your first month is good.
good work, any profitable month is a good month. Just be sure your profits are growing as time goes on. Keep going, let's see the post about your $225,000 profit month when the time comes. :D
That's alright. It took me a year before I got my first check as I started of in the wrong place and was always going into the wrong direction.

I sorted all that out and quit my full time job just over 3 years ago. So as longs as you make a little more next month and then a little more the month after and keep having a steady increase in your earnings month after month you will be doing fine.

Good luck.
You will find as months go by, things will become easier as you will start to learn the right ways of doing things and will speed up in what you do as you will do less things that will not work as you will know if they will or not work before you even do them.

That's how it works out with me anyway. lol
Cheers to you . Any profit in your first month is a good sign. You've either done your homework, or got lucky. Next month should sort that out.

I'd say thats good. I'm in the middle of my first month of AM and I've made $45 so far. Spent almost $30, so I'm going negitive pretty soon. I had 189 clicks, one follow through, so I'm toying with stuff to figure out whats not working.
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