Enabling comments on homepage of a micro niche site?


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Behind a proxy
Hello World,

I have a bunch of micro niche adsense sites running on wordpress with a static page as homepage. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to add comment functionality on the homepage? What plugin would be best? and would there be any SEO implications, if any?

Hello World,

I have a bunch of micro niche adsense sites running on wordpress with a static page as homepage. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to add comment functionality on the homepage? What plugin would be best? and would there be any SEO implications, if any?

If you're planning on taking this in your own for whatever reason then it'll take your time buddy. Instead of creating more micro niche blogs that'll make you money you'll be stuck in the middle of your site working and checking for scrapebox comments and a lot more.

You can get comments on your blogs main page but this suggestion is a must. What I can suggest is get a Virtual Assistant. Hire them 4 hours a week. Pay em $20, $5 an hour and you have a maintenance shit on your blogs :D if you have 2 blogs hire em for a maintenance 8 hours during saturday etc etc. All up to you mate.

Place a complicated (text+recaptcha) captcha and it'll make manual filtering much easier. Someone going through the trouble of placing a manual comment is more likely to be writing something relevant than someone running a scrapebox blast. And scrapebox can't beat recaptcha + custom text captcha.

Also just completely disable links in comment titles and content.
Enabling comments on your website ensures some organic visitors on everyday basis and it will make you niche a lil exciting too. But you have to closely monitor all the comments to check if they are sharing any content like porn, which can affect your websites and should be relevant to your niche which can add value. It will also open doors for spammers so you have to make sure your website is equipped with all tools that blocks spamming.