"Employment" ads = shitty Bizopp leads?


New member
Apr 29, 2010
I'm gathering leads right now for my bizopp and about 70% of my placements are on sites, blogs, etc. geared towards finding employment.

I'm in the very early stages of testing but I'm starting to wonder if what I'm doing is even worth it... a little worried that even though they requested more info after hearing a "sales pitch" that the quality/ conversion rate wont back out for me due to the fact that the prospect was initially found while they were searching for a job.

Just curious if any of you guys have experience with this on the aff. or advertiser side. I know a lot of guys used to or still do place employment ads and drive them to bizopps or place career ads and drive them to edu.

to me, job finding sites seem like the center of where your target market is/hangs out. people with no job ---> work from home

as long as you don't misrepresent anything, your quality should be good. are you doing a CPS or trial offer/rebill?
to me, job finding sites seem like the center of where your target market is/hangs out. people with no job ---> work from home

as long as you don't misrepresent anything, your quality should be good. are you doing a CPS or trial offer/rebill?

I'm doing a two step so I send them free info first and then cps.
I'm doing a two step so I send them free info first and then cps.

if its CPS, then you shouldn't have any problems with quality. after all, if someone whips out their credit card and buys it, its a sale and thats pretty much the end of it. its not like CPA where a % needs to stick otherwise you get kicked off the offer for bad quality.

are you worried about something like a high refund rate? is that what you mean when you mention quality?
if its CPS, then you shouldn't have any problems with quality. after all, if someone whips out their credit card and buys it, its a sale and thats pretty much the end of it. its not like CPA where a % needs to stick otherwise you get kicked off the offer for bad quality.

are you worried about something like a high refund rate? is that what you mean when you mention quality?

I'm mostly worried about refund rates, but also conversion rates in general. My free report is quality info with a sales pitch and does not mislead as an employment opp or anything like that.

I'm taking a lot of stuff straight from halbert and some others who wrote proven copy.

The only things that worry me are my original sources where I'm first getting the attention of these people.

Only time and testing will tell, but I'm on a shoestring budget and was looking for some possible input that can hold me over until I have enough of my own data.

BTW I rememberdigging through old threads and you shared vincent jame's $77million pdf. I'm actually going 100% off of the 12mm.

Hit me up on aim if you want to sts. I'm curious as to whether you ever actually followed the info. Solid fucking book but seems like a lot of people didn't take notice due to the cheesy title.
I'm mostly worried about refund rates, but also conversion rates in general. My free report is quality info with a sales pitch and does not mislead as an employment opp or anything like that.

I guess in the end you never know until you test it out

The only things that worry me are my original sources where I'm first getting the attention of these people.

I dont think you need to worry about that. you don't have to only advertise on "relevant" sites (work at home type sites). fact is, there are tons of people searching for jobs on the job sites who ARE interested in working at home, and its the job of your ad to flag them down and show them the way

BTW I rememberdigging through old threads and you shared vincent jame's $77million pdf. I'm actually going 100% off of the 12mm.

Hit me up on aim if you want to sts. I'm curious as to whether you ever actually followed the info. Solid fucking book but seems like a lot of people didn't take notice due to the cheesy title.

yea that book is bawss! i first heard about it from an older member here, CorrectAD. Great read. I'll hit you up tomorrow