EMD Question


New member
Oct 21, 2011
What is the consensus of being more SEO friendly.

The keyword example will be "Big Green Widgets"

a) biggreenwidgets.info/me/non-TLD


b)biggreen-widgets.com as opposed to big-green-widgets.com

I recall reading google does not read the hyphen. Would biggreen-widget work as an EMD for the keyword or does its location matter (the hyphen).


From what I've seen biggreen-widget.com would match up to "biggreen widget" where the hyphen acts as a space. You should consider taking "big-green-widget" with maybe a "shittier" TLD if you can scoop up a .org/.net. If not go ahead and build the "biggreen-widget." - You'll still get some authority for having the [partially] unspaced keyword in the domain.

Edit: You can compare it to having biggreen widget as a text anchor rather than big green widget; it'll help for the desired keyword just not as much.
A lot of people REALLY like the EMDs for ranking. I think that's odd.

Your example biggreenwidgets.info

How would Google know that the first three letters are the word "big"?

I think they would have to run the first three letters through a dictionary.
If there was a match, remove those three letters - start again with the 4th letter.
If there's no match, start over with the first four letters in a dictionary search.
Just keep doing that over and over until there are no more possibilities.

This is prone to mistakes for sure! Example: is "prep" a word or is it part
of another word "prepare". So preparefortheend.com might be seen as
prep are for the end

Sure, they have the cpu power to do that and they only have to do that
once for each domain name. Until new words are added to the English
vocabulary; which happens every year, then they would have to do this
whole process again with the new words on EVERY domain name and there
are hundred of millions of domain names.

Think what little they gain from all that!

Otoh, hyphens tell them exactly where each word begins and ends.

EMDs are necessary for domain parking.

Hyphenated is best for ranking.

This is prone to mistakes for sure! Example: is "prep" a word or is it part
of another word "prepare". So preparefortheend.com might be seen as
prep are for the end

Not saying this is the way they do it, but for your situation above I would simply parse for the biggest words and assume that was the meaning. Or have multiple word matches flagged for a manual review. hrmm.. That would be a problem for some webmasters.
A lot of people REALLY like the EMDs for ranking. I think that's odd.

Your example biggreenwidgets.info

How would Google know that the first three letters are the word "big"?

I think they would have to run the first three letters through a dictionary.
If there was a match, remove those three letters - start again with the 4th letter.
If there's no match, start over with the first four letters in a dictionary search.
Just keep doing that over and over until there are no more possibilities.

erm, you haven't seen g highlight the various words from the search term in the domains in the serps? they have no trouble doing that whatsoever.

I personally dont like hyphen domains. I had some sucess with hyphen but on the other hand in many cases google doesnt like some of my domains.
I personally dont like hyphen domains. I had some sucess with hyphen but on the other hand in many cases google doesnt like some of my domains.

and you've isolated it to that variable with some degree of statistical confidence?

I've done 3 EMD's lately.. bought the .info (or .org) version of the domain but they were buggered .. who ever had the sites before me did a number on them, I then changed to versions with a hyphen in them and they are all ranking quite nicely, had no problems with them and not thrown much money at them either.
I have found that an EMD is not nearly as powerful as it was in the past. Yes, it is good to get it if you can but far from necessary in terms of ranking.
How would Google know that the first three letters are the word "big"?
Links would clarify that. This is exactly the reason whey they rewrite titles of some sites based on inbound links.

Get the info domain.