Emails from your AFF Sites

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New member
Feb 6, 2008
How do you handle emails you get from your aff sites?
I've started getting emails from one of mine but people are asking questions about specific products. It's a coupon codes site and not a product site so I have no fucking idea about the products, I just post the codes.

Should I just ignore them? Try and answer? Apologize saying I don't know but pitch them something in the response?

Just curious how others handle it.

Option 3 if your going for some kind of credibility, because people feel a lot better when they know their's someone on the other end.

If not, blow them off. The world will continue to turn.
Typically I'll reply with some advice and pitch them a product related to their message. I've got a niche business directory from which I get giftcard requests all the time -- I just send them my aff link for a site that sells giftcards for stores around the country. Probably made about $1k from it this year, not huge money, but definitely worth the 2 minute emails.

Even if you know absolutely nothing about the actual product, the person on the other end is YOUR customer. Blowing them off will just get them ticked off at you. Perhaps you should put a disclaimer on the site to show that you haven't necessarily tried each product but you want to give them the discount if they want it. Or you could put some sort of feedback software on the site so others who have purchased the product could leave a review?
Even if you know absolutely nothing about the actual product, the person on the other end is YOUR customer. Blowing them off will just get them ticked off at you. Perhaps you should put a disclaimer on the site to show that you haven't necessarily tried each product but you want to give them the discount if they want it. Or you could put some sort of feedback software on the site so others who have purchased the product could leave a review?
I responded as best I could but Like I said, It's a coupon codes site and I'm an affiliate for over a thousand stores. I can't possibly know all the products. And how the hell am I supposed to know if you can install True Image on more than one pc?

I assume when people land on my site, They already know what they want, they're just looking to get it cheaper. And I do have a feedback system available.

Alright, I'll do my best to answer whatever comes through or maybe set up an auto responder with a disclaimer about specific product questions.
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