
Minimum wholesale price for a LLL.COM is about 5k right now. EJB isn't terribly great but it isn't horrible either, so you could probably get 5-8k from a domain investor. Sky is the limit with an end user, assuming you can find one. If you really want to get top dollar your best bet is to try to find companies where the letters EJB have some meaning and try to sell it to them...

EJB stands for Enterprise JavaBeans which is the server side part of Java I believe - maybe you can sell it to Oracle for 5 million!
5k-8k are prices for LLL.coms with letters like X,Y,Z in them.. Not EJB.. You should be looking at minimum 10k+ from domain investors and as the above poster said, the sky is the limit with end users..

If you don't know jack about domains then get a good broker to handle this for you. Or search for which acronyms EJB stands for and contact those companies.. Very good domain and good luck with the sale!
Check out namebio.com to see what other lll.com's sold for recently. I'd guesstimate domainer resale value around $6500 right now.