Educomentary - The Secret - Law of attraction

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New member
Dec 10, 2006
Okay so i invented the word Educomentary, but has anyone of you guys watched the 1:30 clip yet?

I managed to watch it on google video for the full 1:30, but seems to have been removed. Here's the first 20 trying to find whether i can get the full version again.

The Secret: First 20 minutes - Google Video

There's also a related ebook here.

Don't worry, no links, no affs, nothing in it. Just 63 pages of reading material.


Search for "the secret" on the board and you'll know why it makes me barf.

AFAIK, they still don't have an aff program.
It would be sweet to sell this to even more gullible idiots. :D:D:D:D

Turns out they do have an aff program. $14 per lead!!! Steve Pavlina is already hawking it at his blog!:)
Turns out they do have an aff program. $14 per lead!!! Steve Pavlina is already hawking it at his blog!:)

Care to throw a link? I could not find it. I'd seriously LOVE all the money from warrior forum. :D:D:D

People gullible enough for this deserve to be classified as "low hanging fruit", so it's picking time.

Ok... so.. not wanting to sit through even a minute of that, can anyone throw me a spoiler? What's the secret?
The secret is ...
Visualize what you want and it will come to you in abundance. Riches, fame, women, fortune, etc..

And it works!!

As a pimply faced youth I visualized my favorite playboy centerfolds over and over and over and over and over and .... (you got my drift) and now they are all here with me in one big orgy!!

Care to throw a link? I could not find it. I'd seriously LOVE all the money from warrior forum. :D:D:D


Pavlina is selling it through Learning Strategies. I used to promote them via CJ so maybe check there.
I bought it on the recommendation of a big wig industry pal. It's interesting to say the least, but do I think focusing on a ferrari will suddenly manifest itself into my driveway? No.

These things remind of the Tony Robbins shit. Keep telling people to feel good about themselves and tell them all sorts of crap over and over, but to always just focus on the positive not the negative. I think people in jail for life are much better at that by year 10 than Tony Robbins can ever be.
As a pimply faced youth I visualized my favorite playboy centerfolds over and over and over and over and over and .... (you got my drift) and now they are all here with me in one big orgy!!

hahaha. that was pretty funny dude, made me laugh out loud for a few minutes
this is dummied down quantum physics but a good introduction. no one sees the world for what it really is. once everything is filtered through the psyche, you see a projection of what you believe the world is.
Care to throw a link? I could not find it. I'd seriously LOVE all the money from warrior forum. :D:D:D

People gullible enough for this deserve to be classified as "low hanging fruit", so it's picking time.


My aff contact at XY7 said they were promoting it but I didn't look further as it didn't seem like something I would promote. It seems like a MLM newsletter lead and newsletter subscription promotion plus you get to view the movie ONCE online.
When I first saw this I thought it was something about Jesus or some shit. What a bunch of bull. I bet they have made a lot of money though.
Downloaded the movie piratedly (hehe.) I actually like it because it's got Esther Hicks in there. I read her book a long time ago and I love it. She's every bit as weird on that movie as I pictured her to be! :) The Chicken Soup for the Soul guy was also surprisingly fun to watch. The rest regurgitated Tony Robbins like Jon said
this is the kind of feel good quasi religious, quasi scientific, intention-manifestation bullshit that makes people think they can sit down, think about a bunch of things that they think rich people have (side note: a good thing about the rich here John T. Reed’s sensible shopping list for the rich) and then go back to watching TV and working at mcdonalds and think that it will all just magically change.
The other thing is that that ive read articles about people involved with quixtar (an MLM) who are essentially motivational product addicts, they just buy more and more and never get past the motivational stage and into the action stage.
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