Editing/proofreading services from a certified grammar nazi and professional editor

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Feb 7, 2009
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A lot of websites, even ones from the big name gurus (and even occasionally by top corporations) have typos, misspellings, and other such errors. Sometimes people will be willing to let them slide if it's a giant corporation, but if it's a website from some small internet seller, an error can permanently turn people off. I mean let's be honest, when someone is trying to sell you something and he keeps using an apostrophe s to make something plural, it kind of kills his credibility, right? The seller ends up looking like an idiot and the viewer thinks "well if this guy doesn't even know that guru's is not the plural form of guru, I wonder what kind of crappy product he's trying to sell?"

My credentials:

- I ghostwrite (occasional articles) and edit (every issue) for a large online weightlifting website's ezine. Due to the content discussed and the legality of it all I am behind a non-disclosure agreement, but you've probably heard of it.

- That's my main credential. Additionally, my mother was an English teacher and so from a young age I have had literary and syntactical perfection forced upon me. I will catch every error you make.

Don't misunderstand; I'm not offering to write copy, because I can't sell for crap (obviously... have you been reading this post so far?), but I can polish something poorly written into something devoid of any errors.

I will edit your copy/website/ebook/whatever for an affordable price.

If you want an ebook edited I don't mind signing a non-disclosure agreement beforehand. I don't want you to think I'm going to steal your work. If you want a webpage, sales letter, presentation, or anything else edited, I don't think non-disclosure is required because that's all public domain anyway.

You've done the majority of the work by developing your content. Let me do the hard part that most people completely overlook by editing your grammar and syntax. To be honest, those of you who suck at grammar know who you are. Some people don't need this service very much.

I get paid on a per-issue basis by the ezine, but since the context here at Wickedfire is different I am offering the following prices:

$5 per 10 pages - double spaced with a normal sized font. That's MSWord or Acrobat pages. If you've got a fair amount of pictures I will take that into consideration. If you've got some super long book I will offer a discount. If you've got a bunch of articles we can work something out, too. If you've got a bunch of articles written by Indians or some article farm company you NEED my service.

Sales pages can get kind of long so it will depend on how much there is to read. Even if it was one page (one MSWord page), $5 to have it edited is a STEAL if it means the difference between someone closing their browser because they think you're an uneducated moron and someone buying your product.

I'm giving you guys a ridiculously low price because I've learned a lot here and I have no idea what the demand for this service is (although I know it should be high after having read a ton of error-laden sales pages and articles).

If there's a lot of demand prices may go up, so get your requests in now.

Turnaround time will be 24 hours or less from when I get your articles unless it's a weekend or unless I get a ton of requests, in which case I will let you know.

PM or reply with requests or questions.


Oh, I need to clarify something.

My prices are for articles/ebooks/etc that are otherwise ready to be published or are in their final draft and you just need them polished and perfected. It doesn't cover artificially spun articles that look like they were written by first year ESL students that require complete rewrites of every sentence in order to be coherent. I can still do that but the price will be higher.

Anyway the response has been great so far. Keep the PMs coming!
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