Editing/Inserting Meta Content In PHPmyadmin


Sofa King Re: Tar Dead
May 13, 2008
North Idaho
Huge WP site, can't get edit pages to load anymore (sloppy php causing 100% server load on query to the best of my knowledge) so I'm trying to change some meta keywords and descriptions thru PHPmyadmin. All In One SEO installed.

Found the following by identifying post id and then searching the wp_post_meta table.

meta_id post_id meta_key meta_value
14822 4270 _aioseop_title Mississippi xxxxxxx | Mississippi
14823 4270 _aioseop_keywords Mississippi xxxxxxxxx, Mississippi
14824 4270 Postcode MS

So in this instance, there's no meta description as I left it blank and AISEO is pulling it from the first 160 characters of the page.

Can anyone point me towards a good tut for getting the description in there as well as editing the existing values? Yes, I googled extensively. Yes, I backed up my database.

Thanks in advance for any help or quality dickroll attempts. :)