Edit iTrader?


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Dec 28, 2010
Kelowna, BC, Canada
Hi there, I left a negative feedback because I didn't get the full service I asked for for a week; but then the user made-up by giving me beyond extra of what I ordered. I feel really bad for him and wish to remove this negative feedback as he went beyond in-terms of making up for the delay.

Anyways, to the point... Is there any way I may edit this iTrader feedback I left for him? Or any super awesome Administrators who would like to help? :)

I believe you can just leave him a new iTrader and it should replace the old one.
It cannot brah.. Just saw the Itrader of the guy the OP left the neg itrader Trader - Diablo9975
The negative itrader is still there after putting a positive itrader..

Anyways I "believe" you can ask mods to do it for you. Just give em enough reason to delete it and make it a reasonable one.. cause I see on your post that you are mentioning about "late and stuff" but on the negative itrader you mention "Bought 1K likes, got 500? so which is which? :D

also interested in this question. Please update us with improvements! Thanks!