Economic meltdown and internet marketing: Can IM survive such a crisis?


New member
Jan 4, 2011
On forums like this one, you'll find (I assume) some individuals who do internet marketing on the side, to supplement their "normal" income; for others, it is their income.

You've got to be blind to not see the economic madness happening around the world.

In light of what are - and may be increasingly worse - economic conditions in the US and Europe - from where a lot of internet marketing revenue comes, what's your take on how sustainable IM is in this economic climate?

For me, IM has provided a flexibility and freedom that leverages - if that's the right word - the work and output of others and uses it in conjunction with my own skills to generate an income. No, it's not a "full time" income for me, though if the world stays "stable" enough, it could soon be.

However - will the world stay stable enough? Do you feel that, even in the face of economic upheaval and job losses, the power of numbers (ie, the number of people using the internet) will allow online marketers to get a sufficient - and possibly greater share than what would be possible with an "ordinary" job - of revenue?

Am I looking for positive answers? You fuckin' bet I am! Realistic ones, too, but not all doom and gloom - I've read enough of that, lately, thanks.


IM is just an ancillary function for business.

When businesses are really struggling they will often look to cut non-essential functions. IE fire someone from marketing, not someone who is responsible for day to day operations. it is shortsighted of course because marketing drives future biz. But if you need to keep the lights on and can't afford to pay your employees, marketing is considered less immediately essential.

However, with our business model, there is less risk to the company. We are paid on performance. If we don't perform, they don't have to pay us. In times of economic hardship, the affiliate model is more and more attractive for businesses.

Internet Marketers are in better position than most though due to their flexibility and ability to generate multiple streams of income from different sources. Once you begin to develop the key skills as an internet marketer, you can become more adaptable and rely less on any one company.

Things are looking pretty scary lately.
Don't ever forget, none of this shit is real. It is all just an extremely complex man made system. A few hundred years ago we were trading seashells as currency, now we use forex. Do you think anyone really knows what in the hell is going on? I'm not so sure.

If its all fucked its all fucked either way. you can only worry about what you can control and this one is a little over my head. That is why I invest in rifles.
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How many downturns out there, can you name that does not have an upside in here?

On forums like this one, you'll find (I assume) some individuals who do internet marketing on the side, to supplement their "normal" income; for others, it is their income.

You've got to be blind to not see the economic madness happening around the world.

In light of what are - and may be increasingly worse - economic conditions in the US and Europe - from where a lot of internet marketing revenue comes, what's your take on how sustainable IM is in this economic climate?

For me, IM has provided a flexibility and freedom that leverages - if that's the right word - the work and output of others and uses it in conjunction with my own skills to generate an income. No, it's not a "full time" income for me, though if the world stays "stable" enough, it could soon be.

However - will the world stay stable enough? Do you feel that, even in the face of economic upheaval and job losses, the power of numbers (ie, the number of people using the internet) will allow online marketers to get a sufficient - and possibly greater share than what would be possible with an "ordinary" job - of revenue?

Am I looking for positive answers? You fuckin' bet I am! Realistic ones, too, but not all doom and gloom - I've read enough of that, lately, thanks.

TechS said:
Internet Marketers are in better position than most though due to their flexibility and ability to generate multiple streams of income from different sources...

That's a good point; I recall reading something similar in another thread not long ago - someone was saying that they were looking for, or doing a "real job" (something like that), and another member pointed out that a "job" is the last thing you want for "security" (versus multiple income streams).

TechS said:
Don't ever forget, none of this shit is real. It is all just an extremely complex man made system...That is why I invest in rifles.

Tell me about it; my concern is getting the basics in place for me and those close to me to survive (when I say survive, I do so in a way that implies more than just grasping desperately to life, if possible); once my basic "infrastructure" is in place, I don't even need that much money to live on (compared to what the average Westerner does - or thinks they do). Of course, a decent income is nice...

Uptime said:
How many downturns out there, can you name that does not have an upside in here?

Could you elaborate a bit?
Worrying about a future economic meltdown will do you no good. Hustle as much as you can
Not really most of IM and digital capitalism is based around western consumerism, if that engine runs out of fuel then so does the internet. Unless you're planning on selling China's own shit back to China you could be fucked. I noticed on the Sunseekers Facebook fan page they had some pictures of their marketing efforts in Asia, seems that's where all the money has gone now.


We're seeing a massive transfer of wealth, we're not going to like it but they didn't like it either and this has just given them the opportunity to move in and become consumers.

You have over 1 billion people in China that now want to start consuming, and living the rich lifestyle the west has been enjoying. Now you can start to understand why basic commodities are sky rocketing even if we're not buying anything, where the fuck is all the demand for crude coming from, coming from the east.

Time to fucking start learning Chinese if you ask me.
Worrying about a future economic meltdown will do you no good. Hustle as much as you can

Always a good reminder; thanks. Worrying can an irritating habit; when it catalyzes one into action, it's not - but when it consumes one, it is.
Not really most of IM and digital capitalism is based around western consumerism, if that engine runs out of fuel then so does the internet. Unless you're planning on selling China's own shit back to China you could be fucked. Time to fucking start learning Chinese if you ask me.

Yikes. Not what I'd been planning on.

Most of my niches involve issues that are becoming more critical to people, such as health, disease prevention, food, etc.: things which don't really go out of style like last year's 42" flat screen TV and the last generation of cell phone.
Could you elaborate a bit?

Not to be cryptic but a few years back this was an epiphany for me. The answer to my question is unimportant compared to how you approach the question. Until your mindset changes to see opportunity and be able to market it the sky is always falling. When something like unemployment goes up can you see how this has created opportunity in other forms? For every event and trend there is a reaction and usually opportunity.
There is a story I heard long ago from the president of a large company which was going through some difficult times. It was a story of a man who had a famous hot dog stand. He sold tens of thousands of hot dogs every year. Although he had little or no formal education, he was very successful.

One day his son came home. His son, unlike his father, was highly educated. He had a college degree from a great university. He told his father that the economy was bad and that things were bad. People were losing their jobs and things were very difficult. His father could not relate to what the son was talking about. The hot dog business was doing great. Sales were exceptional and profits were at a peak. The father began thinking about his son and all of his education. After all, his son had a college degree. He wanted to know more.

The son then said, “ Dad you need to improve your business.” His dad asked, “How?” His son said, “Well, you do not need to sell such high quality hot dogs when a cheaper version would do.” His dad thought a moment and realized his son was educated and he could make even more money than he was already making. He decided to follow his son’s advice.

So the son went back to the city and the dad went back to selling hot dogs. At first, the hot dog business was as good as usual. The owner of the hot dog stand did not even notice the tiny trickle of customers who began to disappear. They could tell the meat was not the same and the dogs just did not taste as good. The dad even called the son and surprised him with congratulations of his wisdom. After all, he was making so much more money now than he ever was. His son then mentioned maybe he did not need to use the expensive relish or the highest quality of cheese for his customers. The dad thought, my son is college educated and so smart, certainly this must be correct.

So the next week he changed his order from his supplier to the cheaper cheese and relish. He was so happy his business would prosper even more. It was about another two weeks when the owner of the hot dog stand noticed the lunch crowd was a little light but he decided maybe everyone was busy just doing something else. The following week, though, he began to wonder as fewer and fewer customers seemed to come back to have lunch. He began to see how right his son was about the economy.

He called and told his son. The son said to him, “ Dad this is what I have been trying to tell you. Times are bad and business is bad. I see it in the city where I live nearly every day.” The dad hung his head and thought, my son is so smart with all of the education he has why did I not see this sooner. A few weeks later the old man, tired and defeated decided to close his hot dog stand.

Scared money don't make no money...
Hehe... if you're really worried about an economic meltdown use your 'online monies' to buy bullets, beans, and gas
ah, there will be no IM when we run out of OIL. The storyline to the game 'crimecraft' is all to REAL and ignored. All of the worlds systems are based on something that will run out and we have no good replacement or the ability to transfer at this time or in the foreseeable future. enjoy what you have now. since we have built all the systems up from something we can not replace. clock is ticking ;)

do the math. there is NOT enough solar, wind or nuclear to replace our use of oil both as fuel and manufacturing: from lubricants to pharmacy to agriculture.

we would have been better setup if we had based our systems on radiation (many forms) and silicon (most abundant on planet and elsewhere)

besides that... HAVE A NICE DAY :)
lulz at all the canned, typical responses. OP has every right to be questioning the economic stability of the future, he would be an absolute retard not to.

Your concerns are valid, but I suggest you start asking different questions.. and I'd also add that you probably should ask those questions elsewhere. WF is full of cynical, brainwashed 20 somethings, inflicted with some kind of odd pseudo elitist mentality.
lulz at all the canned, typical responses. OP has every right to be questioning the economic stability of the future, he would be an absolute retard not to.

Your concerns are valid, but I suggest you start asking different questions.. and I'd also add that you probably should ask those questions elsewhere. WF is full of cynical, brainwashed 20 somethings, inflicted with some kind of odd pseudo elitist mentality.

I guess you didn't read my post above. It's a fucking obvious answer - that's why you get all these canned responses.


No shit that every industry is going to be hit pretty hard. Just how things are.