Ecommerce Help


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas
I have an ecommerce site that I've been working on for the past couple of months. The site is in the health/beauty niche. I am targeting four main keywords with about ten long tails.

Traffic has steadily increased, but the site receives about 100 unique visitors daily. Unfortunately, the number of orders placed on the site is quite low. I'm hoping someone might chime in with some advice on how to increase conversions.

I realize it may be difficult to provide guidance without actually seeing the page. I would prefer not to post a link here, though. I would be more than willing to send the link over private message to anyone willing to offer a helping hand.

The rankings for each keyword are as follows:

Keyword #1 (12,000 monthly local exact match searches) - Position 3
Keyword #2 (8,000 monthly local exact match searches) - Position 3
Keyword #3 (9,000 monthly local exact match searches) Position 3

The site is also beginning to get some first page spots for a number of longtail/secondary terms (that are still very relevant to the products sold on the site).

Thanks in advance

Keep pushing the keywords over the top to get more traffic. Other than that, you can tweak and do some testing with your purchase flow and improve the conversion rate. Also look at other e-commerce sites and see what they do :)
^^^^ I agree with andyk but I would also do a bit of incentive/below the line advertising. Give them something for free so you can get their email address and start some mail marketing (DO NOT SPAM! OFFER REAL ADVICE). You could also offer a loyalty program if you really want to (though that is only sustainable when you have a solid base and can afford the slight discounts you give out).

Other than that take a look at your competition and see who is doing well and what exactly they are doing. Hope this helps
What is your conversion rate? All of my conversion rates sit around 1-2%. I've heard of some people getting higher, but from my impression that seems fairly rare. I've also heard of less if the product prices are fairly expensive. Example, selling a treadmills... when you are selling a $1000 product versus a $50.00 product it is quite different.

Some general things I noticed, the quicker and easier it is to get people to the page they are putting their credit card the better (which is pretty well known already). I always sold a lot more products of those that were shown directly on the front page. So you might just consider how many pages they have to go through to get to that last page where they are confirming their order. If you aren't featuring certain products, then you might start doing that. If anything, it makes them feel like they might be getting a good deal. It may not really be on sale, but seeing it on the front page in their head it is.