eBay Is Now eBoogle?

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Running with Scissors
Feb 16, 2008
eBay, thy name is Google...

"As part of our ongoing effort to reward our best marketing partners and promote trusted commerce on eBay, we are implementing a new pricing structure for Active Confirmed Registered User (ACRU) compensation. The new pricing scheme is based on quality, instead of just volume, and will reward top publishers with up to $50 per ACRU driven to eBay.

Starting today, August 1st, new publishers that join the eBay Partner Network will be placed in this new quality-based pricing structure for the US program.

All publishers that joined eBay Partner Network before August 1st will remain in the existing pricing tiers for a few more months so you can have time to look at the data and see how the change will affect you. As of November 1st, all publishers will be placed in the value based pricing structure for ACRUs.

Here's how it will work. Each publisher will be placed in a quality tier at the end of each month based on that month's and historical traffic. The tiers will range from $1 to $50, and the higher the expected lifetime value of the customers a publisher sends, the higher the tier the publisher will receive. We expect that most affiliates with a history of driving good, consistent traffic won't see a lot of variability from month to month.

Publishers that join after August 1st will be able to see what tier they fall in by going to the programs tab and selecting payments structure for the US program. This tier will be updated on the 9th of each month and will reflect the score for the previous month. The tier will be 0 for the first month while we calculate your first score. Note that your ACRU earnings in your reports will reflect this tier.

If you joined before August 1st, you will continue to only see the same volume-based tiers for now. In September we will release a new separate report that will allow all publishers to break down, by campaign, the quality of the ACRUs you are driving to eBay. We will send more details about this report in a few weeks.

Please note that this change only affects compensation for new user registrations (ACRUs). Payouts for revenue share will continue on the same volume-based tiers for both new and old users. While the current change only affects the US eBay program on eBay Partner Network, we are evaluating this system on a country by country basis and will provide additional updates as they become available.

For more details on how the new pricing structure will work in the US please log into eBay Partner Network and visit the eBay US terms and conditions in the "Programs" tab on eBay Partner Network. There are also FAQs in the Help section of eBay Partner Network https://www.ebaypartnernetwork.com/files/hub/en-US/help.html and in the user guide in the advertisers and programs tab under "value-based pricing".
We want to continue to reward quality publishers and seek to continuously improve your experience in the program. This change will allow us to match payouts to the value of users and ensure we pay out our best affiliates the highest amounts. Thank you for your service and continued commitment to our relationship."

wow, a fuckin reward from ebay, the opportunity to make $0 per ACRU.
this should go over well
Welcome to 3 hours ago...

Yeah, sorry for not being more prompt. Next time I'll try to look into the future for you.

Hey, I wonder if this affects the PepperJam relationship at all. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds.
No, but it's just there's so many of them! 1 billion like, crazy..
Have to visit the country and check it out
That email was clear as mud. "and the higher the expected lifetime value of the customers a publisher sends, the higher the tier the publisher will receive."

Expected lifetime value? wtf. Ebay, since you've got it all figure out, I'd like to know the Expected lifetime value of my marriage please. I'd also like to know the ELV of me continuing to live in Texas. Personally, I think it's vexing to the soul but if I could get a clear number, then I could know whether or not I need to just bail out now.
Personally, I think it's vexing to the soul but if I could get a clear number, then I could know whether or not I need to just bail out now.

Agreed. I've had the same ebay account for at least 3-4 years, if not longer. Tell the truth, I don't order junk on ebay that often...thinking maybe a total of a few grand for the entire lifetime of the account. I can't imagine this is far off from the 'average' ebay user. So what's the value level there vs. the new account that buys a Yacht?
That email was clear as mud. "and the higher the expected lifetime value of the customers a publisher sends, the higher the tier the publisher will receive."

Expected lifetime value? wtf. Ebay, since you've got it all figure out, I'd like to know the Expected lifetime value of my marriage please. I'd also like to know the ELV of me continuing to live in Texas. Personally, I think it's vexing to the soul but if I could get a clear number, then I could know whether or not I need to just bail out now.

Come to think of it, you're right. We've found the next deathclock.com!!!

I guess if eBay gives me a low score, I shouldn't go buying any green bananas.
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