Easy way to make a niche search engine

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New member
Nov 29, 2007
I may be a little slow with this, but after looking at Wikooglepedia, I was reminded of a site I stumbled across the other day.

I am a baseball fan, I have my favorite teams, but really just a fan of the game because I played it all my life through college. There are a bunch of hardcore stat sites out there where mathematicians and other crazy numbers guys analyze the game using the most obscure stats you will ever see.

That is when about 2 days ago, I found Baseboogle. At first I was like "sweet", then I was like, "wait a second". All this guy did was take a lot of the stat sites out there, throw them in a google custom search, and voila! you have a niche search engine.

You could make that in 5 minutes, and have it up and running in no time. Now, this guy has links from a ton of the authority sites in his niche and all these site owners probably think he went through a lot of trouble to make this site. When in reality it probably took him 20 minutes to get it up and running.

The moral of this retarded noobie post? if you have any niche domains lying around, but can't figure out what the fuck to do with them. Why not throw up a niche search engine using Google custom search, build some authority to it, and then start charging a fee to include people's sites in the results?

Tell them you have this search engine that receives XXXXX number of searches a month and you are missing out on an incredible opportunity for more traffic. It only costs XXX dollars to be included, blah blah blah. Similar to the local business d

I have a tendancy to overlook the obvious and the easy, so if I missed the boat for this method by like 5 years I apologize ahead of time and feel free to flame away (also, I apologize for the wall of text).

I don't know if it was mentioned in there but you could also turn a neat profit from the paid Google ads aswell.. I think?
Is there a thread on this Google co-op search feature somewhere? How customisable is the layout? Does it have to be based off standard templates?
It is almost non-customizable.

You can integrate it into your website, but you can't change the layout.

You can customise the Google version to some extent (colours etc, position of ads) and you can host the results on your site via an iframe. It does work pretty well but your right, it has been done many times. Yahoo offer something simillar.
check out Yahoo! BOSS. You get the raw results and can customize it anyway you like.

2nded (da boss), the only problem is you have to use the yahoo urls they provide and not the direct ones.

I use boss + a few other services to make kick ass niche meta search engines for easy money.

Now that my script is written, it only takes me about 45 minutes to make a new one (custom skin and everything).

The best part is that I dump my keyword list (sorted by highest CPC) in place and the script creates static pages for each ... so each site starts at 400+ indexable pages and more get added as the engine is used.

I haven't found an easier way to churn out a decent residual profit. Honestly, I don't spend enough time building links or the cash could be better. I simply buy old domains with links then set & forget.
I take it this script is just for your use and you won't be selling copies any time soon?
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