Easiest way for to outbid on 7search

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Secret Lovers?
Nov 15, 2006
Anyone know how or if it is possible to outbid someone on 7search by just a few pennies, besides going into each bid and manually adjusting it?

Thanks guys!

They do have some global thing where you can set a max bid, and then it will give you the highest position by 1 penny without exceeding your max bid.

Unfortunately it only works account wide, so I have not used it because I have disparate programs running at the same time. I might consider it in the future when I run more accounts.

You will find that 2% of the keywords give you 95% of the traffic, so it is not as daunting as you might think.
nah you can send a letter to customer service asking to 'make top' to the #1 position w/ a cap at .0X cents the particular site you want.

it only works for the 7search network though- it doesn't make you the top for the search network. Once I find out my niche pays well, i just sort my kw's for that niche by volume and for anything w/ over 10k searches a month I go and manually adjust for the search network (wish I could do that at work- that popup is blocked here...)
How is 7Search traffic doing when promoting cpa offers? Is it converting?
It might want to pick up soon as well 2nd/3rd tier for my ppc campaigns besides the BIG 3! :)
How is 7Search traffic doing when promoting cpa offers? Is it converting?

not for me - but don't trust my opinion. i'm still trying to figure stuff out. i think it's been said here not to use these 3rd tier networks for anything but arbi.
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