Earth Quake in Toronto

Felt it too, our building shook twice here in downtown Toronto. Supposedly impacted as far as the northeast seaboard of the states too. What a coincidence with the G20 going on here in Toronto, probably shook up quite a few people.
Didn't feel shit south west Mississauga. Got a call from a family member said the airport felt it pretty good though.
I'm here, and it scared the fucking shit out of me!

I'm on the 6th floor. I seem to feel my table swaying back and forth, and at first I thought it was just me or my chair. Then I look over and everything visible that's sort of in the air (flowers/my mic stands/lamps/etc) are swaying too. I fucking jumped out of my seat and look out the window to see what's up - all looks peaceful, it starts to go away, I come back to my seat wondering if it really happened. Actually glad I saw this post.

Only had like 3-4 in my whole life in Tdot (that's like 28 years), and they may be small but it's still a surreal experience for Canucks.

Fucked because we're on the big rock/Canadian shield too.