Earner's Blog Post About Press Releases

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New member
Mar 12, 2007
I just read Earner's blog post titled "11 Tips for the Perfect Online Press Release" and he says that he used 3 keywords as anchor text in links pointing to his new site from his PR Web press release and that he started ranking for those keywords shortly afterwards.

All 3 keywords were at least fairly competitive though. Do you think that a PR Web press release really could help a new site rank that well that quickly?

When your site started ranking for those keywords after the PR and site launch did you start ranking on Google Australia or Google.com?

Great blog by the way. I've got it bookmarked along with all of the other SEO/PPC/AM blogs that I read regularly. :bowdown:
I've published a couple of PR Web press releases and gotten good results. Great info in your blog Stuart.
They do, PRWeb has some nice authority. They are douches about accepting certain unusual press releases though.
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