Earn Major Money on this Investment - 2 Bedroom Apartment for £15,750 - Check NOW

Property sales

New member
Apr 19, 2010
Czech republic
Hi WF Members

Now you know how some people pass on Tips to there friends - either the Horse Racing - football etc.

Well i sell and breath property all day every day and I'm going to give you a sure fire winner Investment.


Click here for the Construction Video

Here are some major Benefits.

  • 25% Growth per year
  • No On-Going Community charges
  • Secure & Award Winning Developer
  • 18 Hole Golf Course
  • Same Developer as El Gouna Project
  • 20 Mins from Hurghada

This is El Gouna - For Comparisons


Prices in El Gouna sky rocketed after the development was finished!

For £15,750 and No Ongoing Community Charges this is a major deal.

  • The Developer owns the Equivalent of British Telecom in Egypt.
  • They own many top 5* Luxury Hotels
  • 18,000 Staff worldwide
  • Floating on the Stock Exchange
  • Own World class schools etc.
So as you can see they are well established and secure.


The development is released in phases and every time the developer releases a phase to us, within 1-2 hours most of the availability is gone.

We are now selling Phase 3 out of 4 phases.



PM Me and ill email you the brochure and advise you accordingly


How I can be sure that the company really finishes projects actually ? I've already invested in such scheme in my country and phase 3 to 4 like you say takes forever (in my case 3+ years!!!!) So post about some achieved investments from others, not variables, we all know how good real estate is (or can be lol)
Hi Seolinker

All of the phases are nearly complete and then they will start on the villas and the bigger properties after phase 4.

We are talking about a very large company with ample funding, not like a small developer who need sales to finish a project.

Plus they are clever as they release phase 1 - then when its sold then they release phase 2 etc..so all the phases are paid for in advance.

They have done the same with El Gouna in Egypt.

WF memebers

Just to let you know that i have tried to edit my post and remove the graphics but for some reason it wont let me.i didnt realize it would look so big.lol

Im waiting for admin to get back to me so i can remove the graphics and put a link into this information.

Hi property sales,

I understand they are very clever, as I said I already feel it by myself. When you are the one left on phase 3 - phase 4 and company paid in full by your money (you are the last one who needs to pay) - you fucked!!!! They probably just use money for other things, in my case it was maserati and luxury vacation for owner.

I got also about El Guna, so 1 finished project from big company which main business is not real estate.

I am not here to destroy your thread just want to share personal experience with you and others. It's not so easy.

It's very strange for pretty big company use such schemes.

Hi SeoLinker

Well i can see that you have had a bad experience! and a sore one at that!!

Just to let you know we do due diligence on all of the developers that we work with, and try to point people in the right direction.

I have been working in this region for 6 years and know most of the developers and realize that there are good and bad of every company, this is my tip for investment.

Thanks again
Hey property sales, about 1 year ago someone came in to the forum and actually sold some property investment packages to Wickedfire members. You may want to check his pitch here.
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you got anything along the Gaza strip? The development you mention above is in too quiet a location for me.