Each Keyword Match Type In Seperate Ad Groups

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New member
Mar 12, 2007
Most people say to always split up each one of your PPC keywords into their own ad groups, but what about splitting up each match type of each keyword into their ad groups?

It crossed my mind because I will notice that the different match types of the same keyword can have drastically different performance. So, I wondered if there would be an advantage to separating them out as well.

What do most of you think?

I have been wondering about this and what the best practice for it is too.

Anybody want to share their work flow in regards to this?
I have said it before - the more you segment and track the more visibility you have into what is and is not working and can adjust appropriately.

Always separate adgroups into exact and broad match - phrase is for very high volume terms only - we bid on them as different keywords, and in some cases they even have different ad copy and landing pages based upon what works best.

Take a high volume generic term that can mean many things - Satellite is a decent example - it usually will mean TV, but it can also mean something in the sky, or far away parking or any number of other totally different things... Exact Match of Satellite are likely to convert better and thus can probably be bid higher, the broad match version of the same keyword will likely pull in non-related and thus lower converting searches and thus you should pay less per click in order to back into the same metrics. By breaking them into separate adgroups and tracking properly you know what to bid on each.

Same thing with Satellite TV - the exact version will probably convert better than the broad... Run a search query report on your past traffic and find keywords that make sense to exact match. So Buy Satellite TV and Order Satellite TV should be exact matched, Cancel Satellite TV or Satellite TV problems should probably be negative matched. Run this report once a month and in time your campaign and profitability will likely evolve for the better.

To those who say this is too much work, good luck as your space gets more competitive. You will get Killed once someone comes along with the extra few hours to build it properly to start and gradually optimize it. Sure it is easier not to, but it is almost certainly costing you lots of money.
I never go as far as having 1 keyword per ad group. That's because I haven't seen any real benefits so far.

You might want to check out this mini interview with someone from Google. They also talk about the "1 keyword per ad group" practice: Quick Adwords Tidbits Straight from Google at SMX West

If your top 10 volume keywords are not in a single keyword adgroup then you are either throwing money away or leaving it on the table... Not taking this basic step is just lazy.

All bazillion keywords do not need their own adgroup, but each adgroup better have keywords tightly focused around a central theme.
I thought that maybe having the different match types of the same keyword in the same ad group could affect the QS of each other.

For example, if you have broad, phrase, and exact match types of a keyword in the same ad group and broad is getting a 1% CTR, phrase is getting a 2% CTR, and exact is getting a 4% CTR could the lower CTRs from some match types of the same keyword be affecting the QS of the higher CTR matches because they're in the same ad group?
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