Drunken Focus?


Gimmie My Bread.
Jan 6, 2007
So I went to a breakfast meeting today to try to hammer out an arrangement with a potential business partner.

Well, things went really well, so 15 minutes into breakfast we started drinking like it was a Friday night.

I stumble back into my office with a pretty serious buzz at about 12 noon CST.

In that drunken stupor, which has worn off, I managed to blaze through about 5 things that have been sitting on my to do list for over a week.

Anybody else get amazing focus when they are buzzed?

nope, ill just go straight to the porn or strippers and wank one off. then puke. then sleep
Trying some lu doves now, yeah I know its not booze.

Effect on work: Listening to techno and playing flash games. This is a nono.
So I went to a breakfast meeting today to try to hammer out an arrangement with a potential business partner.

Well, things went really well, so 15 minutes into breakfast we started drinking like it was a Friday night.

I stumble back into my office with a pretty serious buzz at about 12 noon CST.

In that drunken stupor, which has worn off, I managed to blaze through about 5 things that have been sitting on my to do list for over a week.

Anybody else get amazing focus when they are buzzed?

I always get a lot more done when I am drinking. Unless I am gaming or fucking around. I don't seem to get bothered by tedious tasks that would normally be boring. I would be drunk all the time if it didnt lead to serious health risks.
I think I read somewhere that they did a study where people took a test - sort of an IQ/cognition test. Group A had a drink or two. Group B did not. Group A did better on the test - something about the temporary increase of blood flow to the brain. Can't find anything online though so it could be bullshit. Personally I can get REALLY focused or find it impossible to get anything done. It's a coin toss.
In that drunken stupor, which has worn off, I managed to blaze through about 5 things that have been sitting on my to do list for over a week.

Anybody else get amazing focus when they are buzzed?

i know exactly what you mean.
I get really focused after a few drinks as well. Not really work related, but I can tell a huge difference in performance while playing video games after a few.
I find after a few drinks I can complete almost any task; as long as I don't get distracted.

(When I get distracted I usually set my heart on doing something stupid. Ex: Doing donuts in my ride on lawn mower.)

In that drunken stupor, which has worn off, I managed to blaze through about 5 things that have been sitting on my to do list for over a week.

1) sit on left hand until it falls asleep, commence to administering a stranger
2) post shit to wf
3) check redtube for latest vids
4) party pizza, eat it
5) clean fleshlight

not that hard to knock five things off when that's your list. :D
1) sit on left hand until it falls asleep, commence to administering a stranger
2) post shit to wf
3) check redtube for latest vids
4) party pizza, eat it
5) clean fleshlight

not that hard to knock five things off when that's your list. :D
lol win
There's a fine balance that's hard to maintain. Another drop or two and you would've been buzzing too hard to think straight.

So true. There's the window of opportunity where you do everything better after a few drinks, play pool, video games, work, whatever. You can maintain this for awhile, but one too many and you hit the tipping from which there is no turning back.
Ahhh.. it's the ballmer peak


Ahhh.. it's the ballmer peak


Yes, Windows ME (Malicious Edition) LOL

P.S. I got my recent copy of Vista Ultimate from a Microsft programmer at another forum for free. I started pointing out all the shortcommings of previous OS's and made a point of really ragging on Millenium Edition. He then told me that ME was his brain child and he oversaw the whole project. I was surprised that he still sent me Vista Ultimate 32 and 64 bit. Lulz
I always end up working after a long night of drinking, don't really know why.

I'm guessing the whole issue might be that generally I have a whole lot of things floating around in my head that get me distracted, and alcohol subdues all of that extra "noise" which results in feeling more focused.