Drudge: Still a douche.

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Content Express
Jan 2, 2009

The same people that turned US upside down over the past 8 years are all still in office. The same corporations are still pulling the same strings. One different head of state shouldn't be glamorized but rather scrutinized for what is about to be the most important time in US history. The only change will come from people making that change, nothing in politics EVER changes unless it's forced to do so.
If you read the transcript, or watch a clip, you can obviously see that it's Roberts that fucked up, not Obama. Roberts mis-spoke, and also interrupted Obama.

But it's just the Oath, and constitutionally, he became POTUS at noon regardless of whether he even took the oath or not.
I cant believe ANYONE takes that site seriously. I mean comeon a retarded monkey can make a nicer site.
He is a douche, but he doesnt need to make a nicer site. It is his brand at this point, and he is making a ton of money doing it.
I think I read its somewhere he is pulling in around $100k per month
I cant believe ANYONE takes that site seriously. I mean comeon a retarded monkey can make a nicer site.

So we should take huffington post, move on and Chris "tingle down the leg" Mathews more seriously?

Bush was attacked by the rabid left wing liberals from day one of his Presidency. All I can say is Obama and you lefties better get some tough skin.
I think I read its somewhere he is pulling in around $100k per month
Speaking from experience, his site can definitely drive a lot of converting traffic to affiliate programs, in a fairly short period of time.
Popeye: Well, you've got to admit, they are much more nicely designed.
Retarded monkeys would have trouble designing something like those sites.
Anyway, I'm sure the lefties will respond in exactly the same way as the righties when their president elect comes into the sights.
Seriously, give it 3 months, and Obama will feature in the monologue at the beginning of Leno every bit as much as Bush did.
Popeye: Well, you've got to admit, they are much more nicely designed.
Retarded monkeys would have trouble designing something like those sites.
Anyway, I'm sure the lefties will respond in exactly the same way as the righties when their president elect comes into the sights.
Seriously, give it 3 months, and Obama will feature in the monologue at the beginning of Leno every bit as much as Bush did.

The good thing about the Drudge is that even I have a chance of getting a web design job there. Fire up frontpage 2000 and get after it.
I am neither a Republican or Obama suppporter, and I think Drudge is OK. Drudge and his associates tend to at least be libertarian-leaning conservatives. I am a libertarian anarchist, and I'd rather read Drudge or Breitbart than a lot of the "liberal" bullshit. And I normally cant stand partisans who complain about the "liberal" bullshit.
One thing americans are really good is forgetting. As soon as the thing that reminded them of something like in this case Bush, is removed ... everything is nice and smooth again. Americans really good at rising from the hard times, however they seem to do it way more often than any other big nation.

I wanna vote Drudge in some design competitions ;)
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