Dropped from Google?

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New member
Sep 2, 2007
I had a site I started about 3 days ago and have spent about 150 dollars on links and such and put links to it from several pr 4 websites I own. The first two days I was in the index when searching for my domain and even some keywords but now I cannot find my site at all in Google, even searching for the domain itself. This has been happening for about 6 hours now. What are the chances Google banned the site? The site itself has nothing that Google would ban, but I have been searching for my keywords and my domain name about once every hour or two a lot. Is it normal for a site that is only a few days old to drop from index? I have another site that I have not done any advertising for that I started about 4 days ago and its still indexed.

Does Google punish for building up links too fast? I mean I probably got it to an equivalent of PR 4 or so in about 2-3 days.

you have nothing to worry about. and stop searching for your site every hour as well, that can't be good for you ;)
I felt like i share the same experience with you, Google seems to me(a newbie in learning) like a monster. It will just crush anybody, it hates. I am not sure what i could do about that either.

Maybe, There will be senior members who can shed some light in regards to the matter? Thanks in advance
It did come back. Thank you for your replies.

I do have another question. Is it worth paying for back links the first month or two your domain is up? Also is it worth it paying for those links that charge you monthly or should you generally wait a few months for the "new" tag to wear off on Google. Thanks :)
Does Google punish for building up links too fast? I mean I probably got it to an equivalent of PR 4 or so in about 2-3 days.
Yes Google can punish your site for quick growing links, I had the same 2 weeks ago. But Google will not ban your site, just drop far from first pages and would keep an eye for some time. If you'll continue to buy links, you site can stay penalized longer then usual. When my site was penalized, I stopped to buy links and was waiting, after 2 weeks it comes back. Very important moment - if you bought just few links, but they are through pages, you'll get some thousands of links. If your site still indexing, just wait for some time.
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