Dropped domain--- squatting?


New member
Oct 20, 2011
I picked up a dropped domain from a doctor's office.

What would make this squatting?

Any tips on what I should look at to decide whether to build or try and sell it to a similar type of doctor?

I haven't tried this before, and I went in a little unprepared after seeing a few auctions jump wildly out of my reach last week.

Squatting is more a moral term that a legal one. e.g. some people consider sitting on a generic domain for 10 years without development to be squatting even though it is a perfectly legal and acceptable thing to do.

In order for the doc to get his domain back via UDRP you would have to satisfy the following 3 conditions:
1. Domain has to be confusingly similar to a trademark owned by the doc
2. You have to have no legitimate interest in the domain
3. Registration is in bad faith (you know of docs existence and are buying to benefit from his existing reputation)

You probably satisfy 2 &3 but not 1 because he is unlikely to have a TM.

Just don't go copying his old site from the Archive for this domain as that is copyright infringement
Thanks for the reply.

The domain is generic and doesn't mention anything that would really be trademarkable. The are others with similar names in different cities.

Would it be a poor choice to try and contact them directly to sell it back to them? At a small markup?

I honestly felt a little bad once I realized it was a site for a doctor and not just an information site.