DropCatcher Owner/DNS update!?

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New member
Aug 20, 2007
Hey all,

Ive been lurking on this forum for a while and have bit the bullet and subscribed ;)

I am a web dev/seo head from Dublin, Ireland with a small (hundreds) domain portfolio in multiple TLDs and ccTLDs.

My question is this:

When i win a backorder or auction through a dropcatcher they immediately update the contact details to me and update DNS to my required settings.

Now as i understand, If i secure a PR domain and do a complete Owner/DNS update, Google will drop the PR as its not slowly updated. Am i right here and if so, what way is there around this? As i have been buying a few domains with YBL's and PR but after transfer the traffic seems to grind to a halt very quick and drops PR.

Cheers and looking forward to getting actively involved in this forum.



Hi Gravity -- I am not sure if I totally understand what you are trying to say. Are you saying that when you buy domains with PR and backlinks, the traffic drops?

If that is the case, what exactly are you doing with the domain? How many backlinks did the name have and from where? And are you sure that the PR was not fake?
Hi Mate,

What im asking is this:

Does a dropcatcher domain lose PR and traffic from SEs due to a double DNS update in a short period of time (to catcher then new owner)?

What i have been doing is paying the likes of snap,namejet etc for catching PR domains with backlinks and parking to see the potential then developing over time. What i find is that the traffic tapers off pretty quick by the time i get to develop.

Am i just being unlucky or going about it the wrong way?

I read somewhere (on this forum i think) that only dropped domains lose PR? Is this correct and if so does this encluded caught domains from the dropcatchers or do they catch them before they expire?


where are the dropcatcher domains coming from? If it's before the actual drop and they're pushing the domain to you then they shouldn't in my experience.
where are the dropcatcher domains coming from? If it's before the actual drop and they're pushing the domain to you then they shouldn't in my experience.

Tnx for the reply mate. Catching from mainly Pool/Snap/Namejet/Tdnam via freshdrop and the likes.. Yeah that's what I thought but because its renaming the whois info for the domain twice within a few hours I think google is treating it almost like a dropped domain and it loses PR or is watched by google to see if any related content will replace what was there and rank accordingly?

Or as i said I could just be unlucky with my chosen domains.


Apart from that -- I have seen that if you park your domains at SEDO or other very common parking company your PR goes and so does traffic.
Apart from that -- I have seen that if you park your domains at SEDO or other very common parking company your PR goes and so does traffic.

Yes this is exactly what is happening with my parked domains and I can understand why now. Is there a way of keeping the PR & traffic flowing without developing the site to be like what was there before?


Yes this is exactly what is happening with my parked domains and I can understand why now. Is there a way of keeping the PR & traffic flowing without developing the site to be like what was there before?


It takes ten minutes to setup wordpress, activate a pre-made theme with your adsense in it and taking a few articles from ezinearticles.com or other articke directories like those and question-answer sites to create one or two articles and put it on your blog.

Never seen things going wrong this way in my experience.
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