drone sighting!


New member
Jun 29, 2008
A police state.
Idk guys, this is kinda scary.

Last summer I saw a drone very high in the sky at a cookout at my parents. I didn't think much of it - thought it was a little weird, but quickly forgot about it.

Last night I was going for a walk around 2:30 a.m. and I saw my second drone! It was definitely not a plane or a helicopter, it was much to small. It was actually kind of loud, too, and seemed to fly very slowly. It was at a much lower altitude than the one I saw over the summer.

I live in a city with a metro area of about 400,000. This was spotted in an inner city area near a university. I doubt the drone is owned by the city police (though it's possible), so I'm thinking state national guard, or even military?

The person I was with seemed to think that the drone's primary purposes (at least going into the future) would be to scare us, in addition to surveillance, of course. I don't think that was the case, but hey, with all this talk of gun forfeitures, it doesn't escape the imagination.

I think we are going to start seeing a lot more of these going forward.

But seriously, wtf? Drones in the sky in my city? In the middle of the United States? Has anybody else spotted one? What does this mean?

Fedex has been testing these things for a while. Someone was smoking a doob at air traffic that night.
Police departments all over are getting into drones in a huge way. It's the big new toy in law enforcement right now. The government even relaxed FAA requirements (against the FAA's wishes) so the corps that build drones for the military could have a domestic market in the US as the wars are winding down.

Get used to 24/7 surveillance. It will be trivial to know where everyone is, w/o a warrant. [Need a warrant to put a tracker on your car, and (theoretically) to get that data from your cellco, but there will be no restrictions on drones tracking everyone simultaneously, AFAIK.]
Police departments all over are getting into drones in a huge way. It's the big new toy in law enforcement right now. The government even relaxed FAA requirements (against the FAA's wishes) so the corps that build drones for the military could have a domestic market in the US as the wars are winding down.

Get used to 24/7 surveillance. It will be trivial to know where everyone is, w/o a warrant. [Need a warrant to put a tracker on your car, and (theoretically) to get that data from your cellco, but there will be no restrictions on drones tracking everyone simultaneously, AFAIK.]

This is no joke. They opened the airways up for commercial drones last year. My guess as a cover for the military and alphabet agency's drone activity. Go look it up. There are thousands of them watching our every move
I've seen them in NYC, especially in Brooklyn. The lower flying ones give off more of a buzzing than a helicopter sound. Then again, helicopters have been flying a lot lower than usual, and its pretty cool when they fly by. Pretty sure they aren't the typical NYPD ones.

I'm not against them at all. They do what they do for a reason. Best not to look too much into it.... and that's all I have to say about that. Mhm.

I live by Wall Street's helipad, and fleet week is always the worst. Ospreys by the dozen would line up and take every damn sailor to the other side of the island rather than taking a cab or a ferry. Can't blame them, guess I'd do the same if I were them. But the best, were seeing Marine 1 & 2 for the President's visit. He'd come with an entourage of Chinooks and little birds that did perimeter securty, those were ALWAYS blacked out so you could hear them, but could hardly ever see them, no lights whatsoever. Coooooooool!
This is no joke. They opened the airways up for commercial drones last year. My guess as a cover for the military and alphabet agency's drone activity. Go look it up. There are thousands of them watching our every move

Most of the specialized security tasks were contracted out to private security companies. They are VERY good at what they do. Its best you learn to be friends with them or even work hand in hand with them. Can make a lot of cash and get access to some very cool shit. :thumbsup:
Imagine this:

This (1) + this (2) + this (3) + this (4) = uh oh.

It's a puzzle. Here are a few notes...

(1) 30,000 drones in U.S skies.

(2) Face scanners and facial recognition - already in use, mind you - for instant identification of anyone, anytime.

(3) NDAA (need a clue)?

(4) Greenwald on how anyone can be charged with terrorism.

Scared yet?
Imagine this:

This (1) + this (2) + this (3) + this (4) = uh oh.

It's a puzzle. Here are a few notes...

(1) 30,000 drones in U.S skies.

(2) Face scanners and facial recognition - already in use, mind you - for instant identification of anyone, anytime.

(3) NDAA (need a clue)?

(4) Greenwald on how anyone can be charged with terrorism.

Scared yet?

Don't forget the 1.6 billion rounds purchased By DHS right before our national shortage
If it is possible to fight the drones legally, which I doubt, then it will take a shitload of them in the sky first... Like millions of them. Before that point you guys are going to be unable to convince the sheeple that they exist at all above america... They'll all think "Yeah, sure, maybe a dozen over some other state that deserve drones... but not over my house, because I can't see them."

The nature of the problem is a real bitch to expose. The MSM, under government mandate, won't report on their numbers or popularity, so the only way people are going to know they exist is by spotting one themselves... But they're tiny and can be easily confused for airplanes.

Since the average sheeple doesn't believe that the government wants to spy on them anyway, it's going to take a drone crashing through an elementary school while being filmed live before anyone but the libertarians pay any attention.

@Jake: Don't forget the particle-detecting laser that they use to detect all kinds of drugs at airports now. It's no stretch at all to think they'd improve the range and be able to detect any type of matter they want to from these things given a few years.

The timing between the 1984 surveillance of this nation and the rapid decline of the petrodollar should not be overlooked. EVERY nation that failed economically had a period of rapid inflation at the end, caused my massive debts just like ours is. Then they all started doing this 1984 shit to milk every last penny out of their public before they fell.

Get your money out asap bros. Hongkong, Singapore, China, Thailand, Chile, or Bitcoin. Just do it soon.