Dreamweaver Undo and Redo glitch?

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aim high

New member
Jun 3, 2008
if i edit something on dream weaver like insert text or enlarge something it will shift all of the divs a lot.but then if i undo and then redo, the divs don't move at all. is there a reason for this?

It "might" actually be making the right changes but not displaying on the design view.... I've had it happen a few times in the past. Just scroll down and back up in design view and it should fix it.
You can't rely on what Dreamweaver (or any other visual based HTML tool for that matter) shows you at all. It's been said, over and over again here and elsewhere, learn to code by hand without visual aids and test in all browsers.
Just click out of the outer most table or div and the design view will update or just hit ctrl+~ twice to go from design view to code view and back again and the design view will update as well
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