Downloadable Product - Actin' a Fool

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New member
Feb 9, 2009
I'm trying to get this downloadable product setup and tracking using 202 and here is my issue:

If I put a link to the raw affiliate link (not in 202) the download prompt opens immediately (no new window, no popup blocker etc)

If I put it into 202 the new link opens a new window and/or gets blocked (depending if I use _blank or not)

However, I have asked other people to test for me, and it works just fine for them with the 202 link (opens the "Open / Save / Close" dialog) in the same window.

Anybody have experience with this? It's not a privacy issue or p3p or anything, none of that shit works either.

Most of us don't sell downloadable shit, so I'm not sure anyone can help ya.
Nakedness will not include site of spinning penises.

Give the people what they want


It sounds like you have some browser compatibility issues ... have you tested a few locally? I not well schooled on headers, but I'm pretty sure IE handles permissions for this kind of stuff differently than the rest of the flock.
It sounds like you have some browser compatibility issues ... have you tested a few locally? I not well schooled on headers, but I'm pretty sure IE handles permissions for this kind of stuff differently than the rest of the flock.

Well my 'issue' happens on my site no matter what browser, but works on this other site no matter what browser.

Mine opens a new window, then the download prompt comes up (in FF) and in IE it opens a new window and then the DL prompt gets blocked.

However, this other guy the prompt comes up above the current window no matter what browser. I've tried everything that has come my way and nothing seems to work.

It works 100% fine if I use the raw link though, so it is something with 202 and the redirect.
Is it possible to handle tracking internally as opposed to t202?
Are you willing to install a new 202 on this domain (assuming it's on a different one now)?

I agree that issues like this will kill your conversion% so you've got to do something.
Internal tracking is definitely NOT an option at this point and I could install 202 on this server but doesn't 202 run redirects anyways?

The thing is, my competitor doesn't have 202 on his same domain either, but it may be on the same server.
However, this other guy the prompt comes up above the current window no matter what browser. I've tried everything that has come my way and nothing seems to work.

I agree with erect on the browser compat issue. Do you or your tester have the defaults changed/different in FF or IE? In FF, is "new pages" set to open in new window or new tab? In IE 7, is "Enable tabbed Browsing" on or off? If on in IE, how are "pop-ups" and "open links" configured? These settings being different could yield different results between two computers and drive you nuts trying to chase...
The issue is not on different computers, it is on different websites.

My website (regardless of browser) opens new window and then subsequently prompts for download (if link properties are changed to "open with parent window" it still re-directs to a blank white page then opens download prompt.

Competitor website (regardless of browser) opens "Open / Save / Close" prompt box directly on top of current website with no redirect. However, he is using 202 tracking as well.

Note: Testing on both done in IE6 and FF3
Internal tracking is definitely NOT an option at this point and I could install 202 on this server but doesn't 202 run redirects anyways?

Everything here is a redirect, that's why I mentioned browser issues.

Have you tried meta redirects? javascript?

How exactly is the click process set up?

User clicks a link on your site to download >> click sent to 202 >> click sent to affiliate network tracking >> click sent to product >> download box


Also, IE6 is only about 18% of the total market share and falling. To contrast, IE7 is @ 46%.
Everything here is a redirect, that's why I mentioned browser issues.

Have you tried meta redirects? javascript?

How exactly is the click process set up?

User clicks a link on your site to download >> click sent to 202 >> click sent to affiliate network tracking >> click sent to product >> download box


Also, IE6 is only about 18% of the total market share and falling. To contrast, IE7 is @ 46%.

Would meta/js redirects still keep everything from 202 in tact (the converting kws)?

My site >> DL Link >> Redirect to 202 >> DL box

That's a good point, and the reason I'm using IE6 is cuz it's what we have at work and I don't have admin rights otherwise I'd be using FF.

Regardless of that, it doesn't work on any browser for my site, but works flawlessly no matter where I try it on my competitors.
I'm afraid I'm running out of suggestions. Set up a account and try to push this through the free hosted version ... it wouldn't hurt to try if you know for a fact your competitor is using 202 also. Might be an issue with your version or host.

Check out below for some 202 jedi to shed some light on your topic ... sorry I couldn't help more but my 202 experience is limited since I don't do PPC.
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