DotA Allstars

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Less Is More
Apr 24, 2008
This is the most addicting game I have ever played.

Any other DotA players here? Which are your favorite heroes, items, build orders etc?



My roommates are obsessed with DotA. I tried it, and found playing the same map over and over again incredibly boring and frustrating, not to mention the steep learning curve.
I'll stick to Counterstrike.
It's a complicated game riddled with sore losers who drop as soon as things start going south for them.
I'll pwn anyone in Dota, I play regularly on U.S. East

permabash Void is pretty damn fun to play, treads, lifesteal, two bashers and a that hyper plate mail shit, or lets see...bottle Rexxar is pretty nasty if you know how to use him.

To tie this all into AM....

I see people advertising sites every now and then on permanently refreshed and hosted games for dota allstars, couple of them were affiliate sites once, dunno how the hell it worked though.
yeah i'm actually alt-tabbed out of a dota game right now, playing bane but not doing my best. I like DOTA and once you get the hang of it, it is a really fun game. Although I gotta say the guys who leave after they start to die gets really annoying, and banlist really isn't doing anything against it
I used to play a bit, was more of a war3 ladder player honestly, top 50 2v2 USEast with my friend at one point. I just fired it up after I saw this thread, randomed Lich and had a terrible game, next game I picked Sacred Warrior and did pretty good, had fun.

Anyone up for a WF private dota game once in a while? I can tinker with my router and host a game or someone else can.
I play too. I'm pretty good with the str and agil heroes, I play primarily on my laptop so being int heroes is tough.

My best heroes are Lycan, Dragon Knight, Juggernaut and Phantom Lancer.
I used to play a bit, was more of a war3 ladder player honestly, top 50 2v2 USEast with my friend at one point. I just fired it up after I saw this thread, randomed Lich and had a terrible game, next game I picked Sacred Warrior and did pretty good, had fun.

Anyone up for a WF private dota game once in a while? I can tinker with my router and host a game or someone else can.

make it happen:music06:
*Warning* Do not play this game. You will never get any work done ever. Plus if you to get to top clan inhouse level, you become an elitist dota fag like me. In competitive matches I like ward bitching/support/ganker. When I want to blow off steam on bnet clockwerk is balls to walls fun since noobs get owned by ministun. beyond godlike almost every game. just gotta hog the runes with a bottle.
*Warning* Do not play this game. You will never get any work done ever.

So True, haha.

And yeah, the sore losers who leave when things doesn't go their way really sucks. Stacking a couple of mines on top of each other and getting the first kill with techies always pisses people off :action-smiley-052:
drow ftw. get lothars, power treads, bfly, buriza and you're unstoppable.
prophet is by far the most fun to play. You see someone escaping a battle.. they think they got away... TP, tree and kill. Many just quit after that but I'm cracking up.
Other fun heros, pudge, axe, mirana.

played yesterday for the first time in round a year... several new heros i want to try out. too bad doesn't have widescreen capability for my laptop.
I used to play a bit, was more of a war3 ladder player honestly, top 50 2v2 USEast with my friend at one point. I just fired it up after I saw this thread, randomed Lich and had a terrible game, next game I picked Sacred Warrior and did pretty good, had fun.

Anyone up for a WF private dota game once in a while? I can tinker with my router and host a game or someone else can.

Certainly. Doubt we have 10, but I can arrange friends for an inhouse.
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