Don't visitors experience a WTF moment when they leave a Landing Page

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New member
Dec 17, 2008
I'm a noob and I've got a few questions. I looked around and while it seems you guys will have no problem telling me off or calling me a piece of shit, you seem to know what you're talking about so I'll be spending a few days here.

But I'm trying to work this out in my head because nobody has written a step-by-step guide to testing CPA offers that actually says "here is how you get into it" but here's my thought process.

I've founds offers I'd like to test. IN fact, I've done enough research that I'm pretty confident I can test them and do well. But, the whole idea of landing page generation bothers me.

So I spend 4-5 hours and I build this landing page that is SEO compliant and looks really good. But it looks a helluva lot different than the offer landing page.

Doesnt the "buyer" have a what the fuck moment when they are on say... and suddenly when they are ready to buy they go to It just seems odd to me.

I can understand the review blog type lander a little bit better but the lander that basically looks like a cheap version of the offer page just seems to imply wtf just happened.

Which makes me think, is the best idea to desining landing pages to mimic (as much as possible) without stealing actual copy/photos the actual offer lander.

yeah i mean it's not like you could make your landing page look similar to the merchant page or anything


Thanks for that. I've been reading your blog.
Well I guess maybe I'm thinking too much of the perspective of being on domain #1 - going to domain #2 and the user experiencing the what the hell just happened. I guess the end user isn't that bright.

What's the stance on borrowing images/graphics right off the merchant page?

Thanks for that. I've been reading your blog.
Well I guess maybe I'm thinking too much of the perspective of being on domain #1 - going to domain #2 and the user experiencing the what the hell just happened. I guess the end user isn't that bright.

What's the stance on borrowing images/graphics right off the merchant page?

If people acted like you thought then there would not be hugge issues with retards getting their accounts phished by going to phony ebays/paypals,etc. Moral of the story: People only look at the address bar when they are typing something in.
You're right, the visitors probably do have that reaction once in a while, which is why you should make the landing page match the offer page, if you're running a pre-sale. I ALWAYS use the same background, colors and large images located on the offer page on my landing page. As long as most looks similar when they click onto the offer page, they'll think the presale page belonged to that offer domain initially.

It's like when you're browsing pages on a website, basically every single page will carry the same navigation location, colors, format and so on.
If people acted like you thought then there would not be hugge issues with retards getting their accounts phished by going to phony ebays/paypals,etc. Moral of the story: People only look at the address bar when they are typing something in.

Thanks for the response.
Yeah, it's a good idea to stick to a similar color scheme if you're just trying to get people out to a CPA email submit type of offer.

It's a little different if you're writing up a real presell page to promote something - like an ebook or even a physical product where you're providing a review. But yeah, giving some thought to the user's flow - how they'll get from point a to point b - is always a good idea.

Also try to plug any "leaks" in your process - direct the visitor out and MAKE them go out to your offer. I hate opt in list building for this reason. I mean, if people come to your site you want to maximize the chance that they will go out an buy something (or fill out yoru CPA offer.) Don't give them lots of distractions like Adsense or filling out your optin form.....tell them where you want them to go and what you want them to do and make it easy.
I hate opt in list building for this reason. I mean, if people come to your site you want to maximize the chance that they will go out an buy something (or fill out yoru CPA offer.) Don't give them lots of distractions like ... filling out your optin form.....tell them where you want them to go and what you want them to do and make it easy.

and never market to them again...
What's the stance on borrowing images/graphics right off the merchant page?

If you cloak your landing page then you don't have to worry about what they think.

I would guess a majority of the time they don't give a crap.

Thanks for that. I've been reading your blog.
Well I guess maybe I'm thinking too much of the perspective of being on domain #1 - going to domain #2 and the user experiencing the what the hell just happened. I guess the end user isn't that bright.

What's the stance on borrowing images/graphics right off the merchant page?

Users dont look at the URL. They really don't care. If you are worried about it cloak the URLS
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