Dont use Yahoo Hosting

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Now that for sure doesn't sound too good. Did they at least let you know what the issue was or send you an email? -- Anything?!
Yahoo's hosting is pretty shitty
AFAIK they don't host it themselves
same goes for their domain registration, Melbourne IT (Australian Company) handles that
Add IX web hosting to that list, as soon as I find the energy all of my sites are going to be moved to a reliable host! IX WEB HOSTING SUCKS, my sites have been going down 2 to 3 times a day!!!!!! They used to be pretty decent, but Im at my end with them. IX you suck! fucking assholes. the best part about it is that ive contacted the more than once about the issue and nothing is ever done! Fuck you IX web hosting!!!!!!
it is better now. No downtime in a few days.

but dispite the downtime yahoo preocesses the orders quickly and have easy setup cause its all automated.

I have delt with several hosting companies that simply fail to set up your hosting after payment or take a long time.
I would think all pro companies would have it automated?!

Most of them dont. You have to wait for the login info to be sent. Can take up to 24 hours.

After my trouble with hostgator, a few hours of downtime doesn't seem so bad.
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