Don't use ccTld:s for arbi sites!

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New member
Jul 22, 2006
Don't use country top level domains for arbi sites as long as you are not targeting specific countries other than us, .us could even be better for us arbi sites?!
I just started trying out arbi and am using free subdomains from They have a huge list with some pretty decent domains, you can only have 5 subdomains if you don't pay for premium membership though.
Anyway! I used the first shortest domain + tld i could find. So the keywords would take up the most space of the url in the ads. Not good! The tld i chose was some korean island i think. What happened was that the text "Ads by goooooooogle" was in French or something on the site. I didn't get alot of ads, and not very targeted either. Probably google put's alot of weight into the tld. I changed to some .us domain instead, and whoop, Ads by goooooooogle in english, more ads, and more targeted ads.

How long did you run the site before you switched to the .us domain? Has your site been crawled by the Adsense-bot before?

I recently played around a little with page designs for Adsense and tested them on my local machine. When I changed the directory names of the sites, the Adsense ads changed, too. I thought that Adsense uses the directory names/urls for targetting the ads when they haven't crawled the site's content.

What do you think? Did something similar happen to you and yur tld/ad?
I ran it 15 hours hours maybe. After i changed to .us the ads immediately changed and there were more of them. And the text ads by goooooogle became english instead of French or whatever it was. I think google uses tld for country targeting, and not only IP of visitor.
I'm just wondering whether this behavior changes once your site has been crawled by the bots...
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