Don't talk to the Police!

Hey guys,

So a couple of my friends are doing Crim A for their law degrees. They showed me this video of reasons why you should never talk to the police (and by extension almost any authority). I have to say before I saw this if the police would of approached me and asked a few questions I would of complied now I would be politely saying no and getting as far away form them as possible.

[ame=""]Don't talk to the Police[/ame]

It goes for about 48 minutes and has over 1 million views. One of my favorite things about this though is one of the top comments:

Easiest way to deal with the police.
Step 1.
Officer am I free to go?
Step 2.
Yes -> go on your way.
No -> I invoke my right to remain silent. Then stfu!

[ame=""]Gooble gobble - YouTube[/ame]

^ what to say.
[ame=]Chris Rock - How To Not Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police - YouTube[/ame]
Agreed. Ive known this for years, 5 words fuckers. Fuck the cops.

[ame=]DO NOT TALK TO THE COPS - YouTube[/ame]
When I see a police car coming towards me I like to start running as fast as I can in the other direction to see if they'll start to chase me...
In the end the Cop says something like - I never did this to anyone innocent - what a jerk. That is the whole point of the justice system, the courts determine guilt, not him.

He basically admitted he is the "pre" trial judge and jury.
Not always true. If you're skilled at psychological persuasion you can get out of minor trouble. I've talked my way out of tickets for stuff like speeding and running a red light a few times before.

The thing is, if you use a technique to do it rather than reasoning with them, the policeman/woman isn't aware of what's happening. Police like to think of themselves as being impervious to shit like that, but in reality they're as vulnerable as any other human being. So they would still answer "no" to the question "has anyone ever talked you into letting them off?"

But for major shit, then yeah, don't talk to them without a lawyer.

That said... the police aren't all bad. I've got a situation with a relative of mine who has alzheimers at the moment, and the police are being really, really helpful - far better than social services or the family doctor in fact.
Not always true. If you're skilled at psychological persuasion you can get out of minor trouble. I've talked my way out of tickets for stuff like speeding and running a red light a few times before.

The thing is, if you use a technique to do it rather than reasoning with them, the policeman/woman isn't aware of what's happening. Police like to think of themselves as being impervious to shit like that, but in reality they're as vulnerable as any other human being. So they would still answer "no" to the question "has anyone ever talked you into letting them off?"

The police are great, as long as "they" think you are innocent. If not, then there could be a problem.

You are right, you can speak to the Police, in fact thousands do everyday, explain what's up and the Cops determine if it is the truth or not. If they believe you you are good, if not, you can be in trouble. It is possible that your speaking to them was simply convincing.

The problem is that everything you said, if the cop did not believe you, or if a prosecutor reviews the discussion, the may charge you on a technicality, or use the threat of charging you for some other purpose that serves their needs.

The fact is this is too real and the Police are making these determinations. That's scary stuff.